I don't have any links or informal manuals on hand, but saginaw boxes really aren't that hard to rebuild. The hardest part is getting all the little balls back into the worm gear assembly correct. It probably took me about 10 tries to finally get it right.
To get started, pull the sector shaft and all the seals from the top of the box. Then tap on the round aluminum end piece with a rubber mallet to give the inner clip some room, use a punch through the small hole to push the large c-clip out, then cycle the input shaft and it will push the end cap out. Be careful not to go to far if you don't want the balls to fall out all over the floor. You really don't want to lose any of those.
Another thing to watch for, when you go to put the piston back in you are very likely to tear one of the seals on it. Stupid sharp corners on the box housing...
Use lots of lube.
Also, when you go to put the sector shaft back in, make sure everything is centered and aligned. It was pretty simple. I think that there were alignment marks inside the box, but I don't really remember.