Public Lands: United We Stand


Lobbyist \ Consultant
Dear Friends,

On behalf of all of us at USA-ALL, we would like to thank those of you who have supported us in so many ways, not only your financial contributions but the free giving of your time and talents has been a huge help to us. USA-ALL is about to take our mission to another level. We plan on being more involved and more aggressive than ever. One problem we have faced in the past is missing out on issues that slip through the cracks. This was largely due to a lack of information about issues that many of you may be more aware of than we. This will not happen anymore. We are putting together a list of key contacts all around the State. We need volunteers, who have a strong love for the land and responsible access. We need contacts who are aware of local politics, and land issues, and who frequently utilize public lands in various activities. Your primary responsibility will be to observe and report any happenings in your local area in regards to land use planning, road closures, mis-use, volunteer opportunities, etc. You will be our local eyes and ears. It is a very important job, and we need volunteers immediately. If you’re already helping us in a similar capacity, great we will still need you, otherwise we need people from all areas in the State. Your involvement means a world of difference. If you are interested please contact Mike Swenson via email at or call 801.465.1145. Let us know who you are, give a brief background, what activities you enjoy on public lands, and what area you live in or area interested in helping with. We may need more than one person per area, so don’t be bashful, get involved, let’s unite and keep our lands beautiful and accessible for generations to come.

Please forward this email to any lists, clubs, organizations that you feel may be interested.

Mike Swenson
Executive Director

Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL)


Registered User
utahmike said:
Dear Friends,

On behalf of all of us at USA-ALL, we would like to thank those of you who have supported us in so many ways, not only your financial contributions but the free giving of your time and talents has been a huge help to us. USA-ALL is about to take our mission to another level. We plan on being more involved and more aggressive than ever. One problem we have faced in the past is missing out on issues that slip through the cracks. This was largely due to a lack of information about issues that many of you may be more aware of than we. This will not happen anymore. We are putting together a list of key contacts all around the State. We need volunteers, who have a strong love for the land and responsible access. We need contacts who are aware of local politics, and land issues, and who frequently utilize public lands in various activities. Your primary responsibility will be to observe and report any happenings in your local area in regards to land use planning, road closures, mis-use, volunteer opportunities, etc. You will be our local eyes and ears. It is a very important job, and we need volunteers immediately. If you’re already helping us in a similar capacity, great we will still need you, otherwise we need people from all areas in the State. Your involvement means a world of difference. If you are interested please contact Mike Swenson via email at or call 801.465.1145. Let us know who you are, give a brief background, what activities you enjoy on public lands, and what area you live in or area interested in helping with. We may need more than one person per area, so don’t be bashful, get involved, let’s unite and keep our lands beautiful and accessible for generations to come.

Please forward this email to any lists, clubs, organizations that you feel may be interested.

Mike Swenson
Executive Director

Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL)

I will be more than happy to helpout, I'm heading to Moab in next couple hours, so all give you call when I get back.