Pursuing IVF


Well-Known Member
Provo, Utah
After several years and a lot of prayer my wife and I have decided to start pursuing IVF. As you may know it is very expensive so we are trying to come up with ways to pay for it like yard/bake sales, Etsy shop, babysitting, etc. We also have put together a blog if anyone is able and willing to donate to our cause or at least share our blog with anyone and everyone you know so perhaps others can help. We have been very blessed with our one son and are ready and excited to hopefully bring another little baby into our family. Thanks for all your love and support!
-The Williams Family

We never had trouble getting pregnant with our son and when we were ready for another we didnt have trouble getting pregnant then. A few weeks after that my wife thought she had miscarried and we dealt with that. A short while later I got a call from the school she taught at in Roy saying that she needed picked up and didnt look well. Upon getting up to the school I saw she was very white and wanted to take her to an ER but she wanted to just go straight home. I am very thankful that I didnt listen to her that time and drove her straight to an ER where she passed out and was immediately taken in to be checked out. When the doctor heard that she had miscarried not long before he had an ultrasound done and at that point we found out that she was still pregnant but that it was a Cornial Ectopic Pregnancy and that the egg had implanted in one of her tubes and in growing ruptured the tube and the whole week or so after she thought she had miscarried she was bleeding internally and while in surgery they said she had 2 liters of blood in her abdomen and nearly died and would have if I didnt have the distinct impression to take her into the ER.

Well since that point in 2011 it has been a roller coaster of emotions and doctor visits to find out that her remaining tube they didnt take out is blocked and scarred shut. We would very much like to try a round of IVF to have another child but even with putting in extra hours at work and doing various other things it is going to take us awhile to gather funds. We are hoping to have a yardsale later this month and next month to help gather funds for our IVF fund and would like to ask for any help we can whether its things we can put in the yard sale or by sharing our blog with others.

Thank you all for the friendship you have shown me over the years. Brandon, Erin, and Jeremiah.


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Deleted member 12904

I wish you guys the best of luck. I know exactly where your at from personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Provo, Utah
Thank you. Definately scared of this myself. I am scared of my wife having another issue and possibly dying and also scared of the whole possible multiple children thing. So many things running through both of our heads right now but feel its the right move for our family to try right now.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I was about to risk being insensitive and ask "what about adoption"? And now look, I have. :ugh: Well anyway... what about adoption? :rofl:


Well-Known Member
Provo, Utah
Thank you.

If anyone has old but decent furniture they want to get rid of near Utah county please let me know. My wife and I are going to have some garage sales/ bake sales next month to help raise money for this and would love anything we could use for that to put in a baby fund.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
IVF is a long, mean road. On top of that it is expensive without guaranteed results.

After fighting this fight, I would recommend you do your homework and do all the pre tests possible to determine if you are a likely candidate. I am a big believer in miracles, but some things are facts.

Second thing, If you can find a program that has a guarantee do it regardless of extra cost, it can be triple or more than a single round. It will make sure the Doctors are working for your success vs. just collecting a fee and putting your wife through hell.

I don't mean to sound negative, but you sound sincere and when I have met you, you seem like a good upstanding guy, and it worth it to make sure you see more then the side the Doctors sometimes sell...

Good luck, let me know if I can answer any questions for you.


Rarely wrenches
Supporting Member
Good for you guys! IVF is the 2nd best decision I have ever made. We went to UFC in PG (Gurtcheff) 2 years ago this month.

The whole process is such a crazy roller coaster. We had 13 healthy eggs extracted, 11 fertilized, and only 2 viable embryos left at day 5. We decided to put all our "eggs" in one basket :D This was the result:



Orem, Utah
My cousins story with IVF is similar to Ben's. Except for them after 5 weeks there were 2 eggs. Now at 9 weeks there is only one and its growing healthy. It's been a crazy long road for them and they've tried everything possible. He's a lawyer in California and they still live in a very small house. They have put everything into having a child and hopefully it has paid off this time.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Good for you guys! IVF is the 2nd best decision I have ever made. We went to UFC in PG (Gurtcheff) 2 years ago this month.

The whole process is such a crazy roller coaster. We had 13 healthy eggs extracted, 11 fertilized, and only 2 viable embryos left at day 5. We decided to put all our "eggs" in one basket :D This was the result:

View attachment 98059

I'm sorry, but you're going to need to put that away. That's an unhealthy and possibly illegal level of cute.