Qty2 Ballistic Fab Diamond Housings for 9" Center Section (any drop, any width) $1000


~ Bush Eater's Offroad ~
Salt Lake Utah
There are two housings, just bought axles already built instead of building my own... Killer Deal cause since the tubes are extra long you can make either axle any width or any drop

If your local the shipping you save will slingshot ya ahead for sure!!!!

The all new Performance series 9" bump formed housing features a
unique X-plate design to help transfer and distribute forces evenly and allows
for increased overall strength without a clearance and weight penalty normally
found in fabricated 9" housings. Final machining of the face plate after welding
assures a perfectly flat seal surface and consistent ring gear location on every
housing. Mounting holes are drilled and tapped on the CNC mill after welding for
accurate alignment every time. Our design uses two interlocking .250" internal
gussets to add strength where it is most needed.

Features 3.5" OD .250" wall tubes, 65" long

Housing is CNC laser cut and CNC pressed from .250" plate with a
.375" face plate.


9inch Housing.jpg

Located in West Jordan, UT
Call Sean
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