RANT: Does anyone else hate 90% of ATV's and Dirt Bikes on the trails?


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Like some have said you are going to find jerks in any crowd but usually by themselves they are pretty good people. The thing we have to remember is that THEY is US. We need to hang together to keep our sport alive and well without loosing more of our roads and trails. I would even back down a trail to help someone that does not know how to drive.


I run a tight ship... wreck
IMO most 'real' dirt bikers you see on the 4x4 roads are just getting to/from the real trail (singletrack) and because they are faster and more maneuverable, they will pass you when you may not like it... because they are back there choking on your dust and that SUCKS. I've done it hundreds of times and most people in 4x4's are friendly, will try make room to pass, slow down a little and if I can take a hand off the bars I will wave... or try to nod my head, to say thanks.

I try not to be stupid, won't pass when it's dangerous and will not spray rocks on others... I think most dirt bikers think they're being respectful, but people in slow moving 4x4's may see it as aggressive, when it's not. Dirt bikes coming at you can also be scary and I understand as I've been on both sides. Again, dirt bikes are more maneuverable and stop quicker and they know it... some guys seem to think open roads are a call to haul ass and that's just stupid, but I've done it... because I can. :D

I will say that usually 10% of most any group are bad apples and the ones that are dirt bikers really stand out. Usually if you make it obvious to be friendly to a guy on a dirtbike, he will appreciate it and respond the same way. And if you are a dick or don't understand that you're holding him up, causing him to eat your dust, etc, etc.... he'll respond by passing you as soon as he can, fast as he can, kicking up rocks on the way by. You reap what you sow.

Since we're ranting, I'm going to add one of my own rants...

If you're in a 4x4 on a narrow road with little forward vision and not much room for passing, please watch your mirrors for quicker moving traffic coming from behind you!

Nothing sucks more than knowing you can move faster than a 4x4, but having them being TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS that you're stuck behind them. This has happened to me a couple of times when I've been on my big motorcycle in the San Juans and some Jeep/Hummer/Whatever 4x4 is just poking down the trail... my big bike weights 500#'s and while it can travel faster than a 4x4, it's still a handful to jet past someone and keep it under control when the drive is CLUELESS, taking up all of the trail and has no idea there is someone smaller & quicker behind him. Someone with a little situational awareness watching their mirrors may loose 10-15 seconds out of their day if they'd yield to quicker moving traffic.

In addition to that, some times I have passed 4x4's on a part of the trail where they may not see me coming up behind/around them... but the only reason I will pass in that situation is because it's MUCH HARDER for me to stop or slow to their pace and keep my bike upright, on steep, loose trails... especially compared to a 4x4.

Here's an example... I probably pissed off the folks in the Jeeps and possibly the SxS's, but I was trying to maintain my momentum and continue on my way knowing that I am covering ground much quicker than they can. You have to understand how steep and loose these roads are and what it takes to ride a motorcycle at over 12k feet. If you don't ride, you may not get it and probably think I'm just some asshole that wants to go fast.

Start at 2:05-

Lastly, uphill traffic has the right of way in the mountains... I had to stop for several 4x4's on a narrow section (edited that out in the video) and I had a hell of a time getting moving again due to the loose rock and steep trail. Vehicles coming down can easily restart, it's harder for uphill traffic. Seems like a lot of people in their new 4x4's have no concept of that.


Totally Awesome
I always pull over for faster traffic when its safe to do so.

But I won't stop on a blind corner.

If an atv or bike hits me, it won't hurt me unless they go through my windshield.

I just think there should be some sort of class people need to take before they hoop on a dirt bike or atv before they go riding. Kind of like hunter safety. We all have drivers licenses and learned the rules of the road. There should be something similar for offroading.

Just my opinion.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I just think there should be some sort of class people need to take before they hoop on a dirt bike or atv before they go riding. Kind of like hunter safety. We all have drivers licenses and learned the rules of the road. There should be something similar for offroading.

Just my opinion.
So in this reasoning, everyone who drives a buggy should have to take a class before operating it off road since it is considered an OHV unless it is registered as a street legal buggy. I have seen just as many inconsiderate a-holes driving full size rigs doing the same thing you say is the problem with motorcycles & ATV's. There plenty of that type of person regardless of what they drive.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Sawtooth, I'm with you on this one. Farmington Canyon is the worst. I've never encountered more drivers of cars, jeeps, trucks, dirt bikes, quads, etc that don't respect the road or the rules.

Perhaps proximity to town, increased number of vehicles, and ease of access leads to that, but if I'm coming down the mountain road on the inside (right) of the road, you best not be coming up on the inside (left) of the road. Yes, side-by-side that gave me the bird and called me a slur, that means you.

It comes down to being taught in such matters, and the reality is the vast majority haven't a clue. So while some are jerks (aforementioned side-by-side), most are simply uneducated.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed the Video of Imogene pass. You appear to be a very skilled and polite trail user Greg. Jack makes a good point about us all needing to stick together. The thing that haunts me is the thought of someones Kid running into my buggy in a blind curve because they are carrying so much momentum that they cant stop. I have mostly stopped taking it up A.F. Canyon for this reason. I think it would be very tough for me to live with another trail user getting maimed or killed on the front of my Rig.


Resident Thread Killer
I think it's the Rover thing, its kinda like an offroad BMW....I see a beemer on the road and I just want to be a jerk to them...:D


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
last few times I have done skyline drive from farmington to bountiful I have hated it.. just like mentioned there are people on atv's that are flying down the road and around corners and I think man all it takes is one vehicle to be coming up that corner while they are flying down and someones going to die. it really has gotten worse up there lately. people have no respect for each other anymore. I slow down and allow people to pass when I am in a slow mood and just out for a sunday drive and I always slow down on dirt roads to keep the dust at a minimum while passing in either directions but some of the people up there think its fun to spray the on coming vehicle with dust and rocks and I find myself wishing they would clean out their gene pool.

Like Mombobuggy said I would hate to have to live with the reality of someone killing themselves on my grill cause of their stupidity.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I just think there should be some sort of class people need to take before they hoop on a dirt bike or atv before they go riding. Kind of like hunter safety. We all have drivers licenses and learned the rules of the road. There should be something similar for offroading.

Just my opinion.

HaHa, I can see it now, some Govt' clown showing you how to crawl, ride a dirt bike, ect. Imagine the "proper" safety gear that would entail. Yep, I want them to save me from everything.

The thing I do hate is the little kids without proper safety equipment. It is a huge issue for me. Most parents don't appreciate a good word of advice on that either.


Registered User
IMHO, it's the minority that are the problem, but those are the ones that stand out. Now that I've quit going to AF and make the slightly longer trek to the Uintas (only 2 trips so far), zero issues.

Deleted member 12904

I think the closer you are to town as well as the easier the trails or dirt roads are the more likely you are to find the novice weekend warrior that may seem like a jerk but is likely just inexperienced. I really never go to busy areas mostly because I enjoy exploring and finding new things This weekend for example I took the family up near Jacob City and while we have been in the area a bunch we focused on doing new trails. We Crossed paths with half a dozen people and everyone just smiled and waved. for me it doesn't matter what in or riding this is the most common interaction on the trail. A smile and wave.


Formerly WJ ZUK
Agreed, you guys need to get away from the city more then an hour and I rarely see more then 5-10 cars all weekend


Formerly black_ZJ
last few times I have done skyline drive from farmington to bountiful I have hated it.. just like mentioned there are people on atv's that are flying down the road and around corners and I think man all it takes is one vehicle to be coming up that corner while they are flying down and someones going to die. it really has gotten worse up there lately. people have no respect for each other anymore. I slow down and allow people to pass when I am in a slow mood and just out for a sunday drive and I always slow down on dirt roads to keep the dust at a minimum while passing in either directions but some of the people up there think its fun to spray the on coming vehicle with dust and rocks and I find myself wishing they would clean out their gene pool.

Like Mombobuggy said I would hate to have to live with the reality of someone killing themselves on my grill cause of their stupidity.

As much as it would suck they are the ones making the choice to be unsafe, a good example of Darwinism is how some might put it. It's even worse right now with all of the road hunters who are too lazy to hike in and actually hunt, yet they wonder why they aren't seeing any animals.


Formerly black_ZJ
IMHO, it's the minority that are the problem, but those are the ones that stand out. Now that I've quit going to AF and make the slightly longer trek to the Uintas (only 2 trips so far), zero issues.

I think the closer you are to town as well as the easier the trails or dirt roads are the more likely you are to find the novice weekend warrior that may seem like a jerk but is likely just inexperienced. I really never go to busy areas mostly because I enjoy exploring and finding new things This weekend for example I took the family up near Jacob City and while we have been in the area a bunch we focused on doing new trails. We Crossed paths with half a dozen people and everyone just smiled and waved. for me it doesn't matter what in or riding this is the most common interaction on the trail. A smile and wave.

Agreed, we have spent more time in the Uintas the last 2 years and see almost everyone in full riding gear and helmets, even saw a few with a trash bag hanging off the side and picking up litter. Haven't been up AFC since 2011 and don't miss it one bit.


Well-Known Member
I just think there should be some sort of class people need to take before they hoop on a dirt bike or atv before they go riding. Kind of like hunter safety. We all have drivers licenses and learned the rules of the road. There should be something similar for offroading.

Just my opinion.

So what you're saying is there's an excuse for all the a-hole atv/ohv riders because they were never trained...but there's no excuse for all the a-hole Jeep, truck, car drivers because they have a license? As many other on here have said, I'm on both sides of the coin and enjoy both, but I run in to just as many d-bags driving a jeep, toy, etc as I do on dirt bikes or atvs. I've found more times though that a quick friendly conversation with them and they see your side as well...or they stop winching off that tree without any kind of tree saver. (wait, that would never happen, right :rolleyes: )


Since we are ranting... I hate stupid people.

I resent that comment. I can't help that I was born that way. The older I get the more brain cells I lose,and I ain't got any extra to spare. Damn haters anyway!