Rattlesnake/Constrictor... Lets make plans...

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Active Member

O,fu*k - I have a 5-Ton rockwell rear shaft...
I just remembers....
We should use that.....


If U guy's want 2...........



Kinda crabby latley
East side
I was thinking more like the rockwells.....
Why not dig a post hole deep enough that you could plant a LARGE peice of even I beam say 5 feet long.... 3 in and 2 out of the ground. Wouldn't most people want to use the bar? Or would most think it wasn't secure enough? If I had a tree and a LARGE I beam side by side, I'd winch to the I beam. Even blow torch holes for your D hooks and winch hooks to grab onto...


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
Skyetone said:
I was thinking more like the rockwells.....
Why not dig a post hole deep enough that you could plant a LARGE peice of even I beam say 5 feet long.... 3 in and 2 out of the ground. Wouldn't most people want to use the bar? Or would most think it wasn't secure enough? If I had a tree and a LARGE I beam side by side, I'd winch to the I beam. Even blow torch holes for your D hooks and winch hooks to grab onto...

I'll bring the beam if you bore the hole in the rock for it :-\


Active Member
60 Here..............................

I have 60 front shaft we can use...
Or a 5-ton rockwell rear shaft
Just tell me if U want 2 use 1
Or I will bring both and U guy's can pick.....................


I can see it now...Everyone out there, chopping various holes in rocks to set up winch points...because we all know that the first try never works right, a chunk of rock comes loose, falls, tumbles to the ground and the environmentalists have a fit and close the trail anyways. Just like all the trails in Moab that have been messed with.

My humble opinion. Use a friggin vehicle as a wich point! No harm to the environment and everyone leaves happy.

Pick up your crap and get over it! It's common sense. Use your head, do what your Scout Master taught you. It's wheeling, not a political race to see who has superior granola powers.

This thread just irritates me!


Suddenly Enthusiastic
The first guy has to use something as a winch point too... :confused: Each spot has different requirements. Some spots require an artificial wich anchor, some have good natural anchors. It appears that the Eagle's Nest requires an artificial one, to protect the surrounding area. I think something on the order of an axle shaft would be a better choice than a big-ass I beam though. JMHO.


Active Member
Big Black XJ said:
I can see it now...Everyone out there, chopping various holes in rocks to set up winch points...because we all know that the first try never works right, a chunk of rock comes loose, falls, tumbles to the ground and the environmentalists have a fit and close the trail anyways. Just like all the trails in Moab that have been messed with.

My humble opinion. Use a friggin vehicle as a wich point! No harm to the environment and everyone leaves happy.

Pick up your crap and get over it! It's common sense. Use your head, do what your Scout Master taught you. It's wheeling, not a political race to see who has superior granola powers.

This thread just irritates me!

That is a nice jeep U have there, Where did U get it because.......

O' yah Shut up..............

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