

Registered User
Just wondering, is all the side stuff on Rattlesnake part of the legal trail now? I see a ton of trip reports with people driving off the left side past the ledges/waterfall and now there is a road heading back to the main trail. I was told it was made part of the legal trail but I stayed off anyways. Everyone jumps on people driving on the right side of Constrictor at the beginning which is less of an impact then the newly formed left side of Ratlesnake. So does anyone have the correct info on this?


Sandy, Ut
Whomever told you it was part of the 'legal trail' is lying.

Its a very complicated situation but it suffices to say that the Rattlesnake/Constrictor area is limited to existing routes only, so while we can all argue the definition of existing... the BLM has an inventory they took several years back that had the inventory at that time. When the Salt Lake Field office gets their RMP done, that area will surely transfer to Designated Routes only and nothing but (and if even) Rattlesnake and Constrictor will be included, again if they even are, they likely post date the BLM inventory. A Coyote Canyon situation in which we will have to wait for the RMP to finalize and then work through the BLM channels to add any additional routes after the fact.