Red Rock Bill

Just a quick question what do people think of the red rock bill?

Do you mean the Americas Redrock Wilderness Act (ARWA)?
Well, it's a bad bill for many reasons. The short of it though is that it will close off many fine areas to mechinized recreation. It stands on questionable legal grounds because of RS 2477 rights of ways that it cuts off and the fact that all Wilderness was supposed to have been designated by Congress by 1991 (long shot, but that is technically on the books). The inventory was conducted by a bunch of summer college interns with no training for a political pressure group (SUWA) and is contrary to the BLM wilderness inventory.
Additionally, it's been introduced every year for more than 20 years with no success. It has only had one representative from Utah ever support it, and he's been out of office for 20 years. It has practically no support from the areas that it effects. And generally is the prime example of Eco-elites trying to create a modern day kings forest for themselves with no regard for the rest of the population.
That's basically how I feel about it in a nut shell. How about you, Mr. stannard2?
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First, welcome to RME.

As the RRWA is a very controversial bill, it might be nice to know what your thoughts on it are. First time poster asking comments on a subject like this has me a bit confused. Are you writing an article? Forming your own opinion?

On that note, there are dozens of threads here on RME referencing the RRWA and user thoughts.

My cliff notes version. It has morphed into too much. If they can keep revising the bill and keep finding 'new Wilderness', then we ought to just leave things as they are and at their rate, the entire state will still be Wilderness in 50 years lol. I'm OK with new Wilderness, where and only where it meets the definition, does not lock out historic access to historic sites and is done in accordance with the State, counties and local user groups. I'd suspect 50% of the RRWA would meet this criteria, however for obvious reasons SUWA and cohorts are not going to budge on their proposal. I think the entire idea of 'Wilderness' has become a self fulfilling fundraiser, used to provide the lifeblood for what has grown from a true grass roots group to a multi-million dollar budget litigation machine at the hands of crooks and our of state millionaires.
That was the type of response that I was hoping for. It's my New York State rep Maurice Hinchey that has been pushing this bill for the past 18 years.

You and myself may live quite a few states apart but we have one common goal that unites us. We both would like to see Congressman Maurice Hinchey out of Utah and out of office. New York State's unemployment is hovering right around the national average. Hinchey represents New York's 22nd Congressional district and we have seen a lot of job losses over the past year. We need a representative here in New York that's going to focus on our issues and not worry about tying to close 9 million of acres of land in another state. That's why states have there own reps, let them decide what they want to do with the land. I'm working with a gentleman by the name of George K. Phillips from Up-State New York that is running for Congress against Maurice Hinchey. He feels the same way that I do about the Red Rock bill. We do need support for our campaign if you know of anyone else that would also like to see Hinchey gone for good please direct them to our website. Thanks so much,
If you check out our website you will see that in the "Hinchey top 10" he has has it listed about the Red Rock Bill. George is very much against this entire bill. We have our own major problems here in New York. We need our rep focused on New York.
In short, Hinchey needs to keep his nose out of our state. You don't see us trying to declare Central Park a wilderness area.
That's why I'm trying to promote George Phillip's campaign to the people of Utah that will be effected by this. We do need financial backing and if anyone could help us that would be great. You wont have to worry about George Phillips doing this to Utah or any other state for that matter.