Registration on newly bought trailer?


Registered User
I'm in CO...

I'm buying a trailer from my friend thursday night, then picking up my other friend's range rover to go to Moab for the weekend with rover owner. Trailer friend can't find the title, but will have a bill of sale. Is that enough or do I need to get it register before we leave? In CO, i've got 11 days to get the VIN inspection done (can't find title) and to have it registered. I can use it with the bill of sale until the 11 days are up (according to my Sherriff's Dept).

Can I use my newly bought trailer in UT without reg. and just the Bill of Sale?


Well-Known Member
Payson, AZ
AFAIK, as long as you are legal in CO you should be fine here but you might want to get a letter or something from the sheriff's office to "help" the local cops believe you.