Rick's Back Flip off Rock Pile


Well, I typically paint more of a story than this and plan to come back later and fill this in. But, since many of you might like to see this short video, I will throw it on here for now.

Rick is a MFFW member and he was at the RME BBQ on Friday night. He went out with our group on Saturday to Pritchett Canyon and took a nice back flip off of the Rock Pile. The good news is, he was not hurt and his Sami wasn't hurt too badly either. Anybody got a nice Sami hood they're not using?

I'll tell you, that little ledge that's developed at the bottom of the Rockpile obstacle really pushes your truck side to side and this one has claimed 2 rolls from our club in the last month. Why do we keep driving it? Because it's there, of course!

Anyway, enjoy!


Also, Rick was down but not out. I have photos of him in Mickey's hot tub and the Escalator from yesterday. Also, his truck is now officially named.....Flipper.

See you on the trail!


XJ's Bring the Uni-Suck
Herriman, UT
I couldn't believe how little damage it did to his rig. The cage held up very well. Was there any other damage than the hood?


Well-Known Member
Clearfield, UT
this was scary, I didn't know whether i should run or stick around to watch... I chose run... Glad he was alright and the Zuk survived with minor damage.

big cherokee

a.r.c fabrication
great role and he went on to complete behind the rocks also,

bent the radiator back in place, removed some stuff from the fan and strapped the hood down and was back at it.