RIP Jessi Combs


I run a tight ship... wreck

This is killing me, Jessi passed away yesterday after a terrible accident. I had met her a couple of times at EJS trail runs and events and was so impressed with how humble, friendly and capable she was. I wish I had known her better... she will be missed.



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
She was always way awesome to my Lyndsay (my soon to be 15 yr old)! Really appreciated how down to earth Jessi was around people. There were a LOT of people around her at events and she kept her head well.

Lynds mentioned the same when we talked last night. Said Jessi handled her fame well. Lynds also said that is was cool that Jessi died doing what she loved. Perspective from a 14 year old
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when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Wow! Jessi was a kick, quick with a smile and willing to try anything.

I spent quite a bit of time around her at KOH 2009 and she was more impressive in person than on the screen. (which isn't normally the case)

RIP Jessi


Wandering the desert
She was a great individual. I shared a few trails with her at EJS a few years ago, had a good conversation over lunch on the trail. She really was one of the good ones. She will be missed.