

I gave Rocklogic some cash for some parts and now they went under. I got a hold of him a few times and he kept saying he had my stuff and he would bring it to me but never has. Im wondering if anyone knows what I can do about it. I have called the police and they said they cant do anything about it. I have thought about court but I dont know how to do it.
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Well-Known Member
If you what a peice of Rock Logic.
I drive past their shop every day, how much do you think the sign is worth? Im sure that is all that is left.

Bucking Bronco

If you gave money to rocklogic and you were able to prove that they new they were going out of business or had no intent to provide your product. then that would be a criminal offense.

I am not going to find them all for you but there are threads on Fullsize bronco, fjcruisers, and on pirate. all of these would help you show his intent to defraud.

Dont take anything I say as fact as I am grade school dropout;) and was half asleap when I wrote this:D