Ron Paul: States should resolve land management issues


somewhat damaged
Summary: Fed should stay out of land use decisions.

"I want to see the land owned and controlled by the states." - Dr. Paul

ELKO, Nev. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul railed against the federal government's influence in the West on Thursday, saying states are in the best position to resolve conflicts over the management of wild horses and roads on public lands.

About 300 people turned out to see Paul at an Elko rally ahead of Saturday's presidential caucus. As many or more gathered to see him Thursday night at a rally in Reno.

The Texas congressman said that while he's unsure of the solution to the wild horse problem in Nevada and other Western states, federal land managers should be the last resort to resolve the issue.

"I can guarantee they'll make a wrong decision and not please anyone," he said. "The more privatized and localized, the better solution it would be."

In recent years, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has removed thousands of "excess" wild horses from public lands in the West, saying they harm rangelands and native wildlife. Horse advocates oppose the move, saying the agency is out to appease ranchers and make room for cattle.

Paul said the U.S. Forest Service should not be imposing travel management plans on public land in Nevada and elsewhere across the West. The effort, which began under the administration of President George W. Bush, should be up to the states, he said.

"I don't want the federal government dictating to Nevada, period," Paul said. "I want to see the land owned and controlled by the states."

Paul said he offers a choice to voters because he doesn't support the status quo.

I can't argue with that. At all.


Active Member
St. George
If Ron Paul would put aside his "gold standard", and "isolationism"ploicies, he could have a decent chance of winning. Most of his ideas are spot on.

Wicked Monkey

If Ron Paul would put aside his "gold standard", and "isolationism"ploicies, he could have a decent chance of winning. Most of his ideas are spot on.

Well... I think even his Gold Standard and Isolationism is good! The Constitution says gold is the only lawful money to pay debts. So technically we should be living with that. But we had to get rid of the Gold standard after the 1933 bankruptcy. It was one of the many things we lost as an asset of the country...
Also look at our market! We produce almost nothing here in America except a few things... Most of the crap is from China! China gets more Tax breaks then our own American business! Its a joke! I say put a higher tax on China, bring back American business without stimulus, quit taxing Americans and American business so much, get rid of all the crap rules and regulations limiting business and normal Americans from growing into something great, get rid of all the crap government programs, including the board of education and most of all...
Quit policing the world by forcing democracy down other countries throats! We are a Republic! We have pledged our Allegiance to the Republic our whole lives! We are NOT a democracy! We cant afford this crap! We are bankrupt and STILL bankrupt! We have over 900 American Bases all over the world! This is a joke we cant afford! The Feds are forcing the states and normal Americans to do things that are unconstitutional... Get rid of the Fed!
I am a proud Ron Paul supporter and have always, always voted for him! It does not make sence to vote for the lesser of the evils! Why not vote for some real good!

Go Ron Paul!!

My 2c!

God bless!
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Well... I think even his Gold Standard and Isolationism is good! The Constitution says gold is the only lawful money to pay debts. So technically we should be living with that. But we had to get rid of the Gold standard after the 1933 bankruptcy. It was one of the many things we lost as an asset of the country...
Also look at our market! We produce almost nothing here in America except a few things... Most of the crap is from China! China gets more Tax breaks then our own American business! Its a joke! I say put a higher tax on China, bring back American business without stimulus, quit taxing Americans and American business so much, get rid of all the crap rules and regulations limiting business and normal Americans from growing into something great, get rid of all the crap government programs, including the board of education and most of all...
Quit policing the world by forcing democracy down other countries throats! We are a Republic! We have pledged our Allegiance to the Republic our whole lives! We are NOT a democracy! We cant afford this crap! We are bankrupt and STILL bankrupt! We have over 900 American Bases all over the world! This is a joke we cant afford! The Feds are forcing the states and normal Americans to do things that are unconstitutional... Get rid of the Fed!
I am a proud Ron Paul supporter and have always, always voted for him! It does not make sence to vote for the lesser of the evils! Why not vote for some real good!

Go Ron Paul!!

My 2c!

God bless!

As retarded as it seems, you can't have economic growth without inflation, and a currency pegged to any standard isn't very good at inflating. That's why we went off the gold standard, and why we'll never go back. I like a lot of what Ron Paul says and does, I really like that he appears to be completely honest. But he's got to get off the gold standard nuttery or he'll never be taken seriously.

Wicked Monkey

As retarded as it seems, you can't have economic growth without inflation, and a currency pegged to any standard isn't very good at inflating. *That's why we went off the gold standard, and why we'll never go back. *I like a lot of what Ron Paul says and does, I really like that he appears to be completely honest. *But he's got to get off the gold standard nuttery or he'll never be taken seriously.

I disagree! The Gold Standard worked and Silver Certificates (AKA Green Backs) very well! In fact America was very prosperous! UNTIL, the retarded government got greedy and borrowed a lot of money from other countries to support the wars. This borrowing led us into a financial collapse. We owed more money then we were able to pull it from the ground. Thats why we went bankrupt in 1933 and went off the gold standard because we rendered it all to pay a small fraction of the debts we owed. The banks took control of the monetary system (Still has control) and can pull money out of thin air and place a fraudulent value on it.
Check out this video! Great history!*
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
We owed more money then we were able to pull it from the ground.

This is the critical part - we needed money, and we couldn't produce it because of the limited supply of gold and silver (not to mention the trouble caused by the values of gold and silver fluctuating relative to eachother). We took ourselves off the standard so we could grow the supply of money to match the demand.

Things would be a alot simpler if we had a hard currency, that's for sure. I get the appeal. But there's not enough gold to go around.


somewhat damaged
This is a topic for another discussion as we are in a land use section, but I have a few words.

Any type of currency should be based on a something. How did we end up with gold as a standard? Good info here:

Did we come off the gold standard because we needed the money? No, nor is that a good excuse. We came off the gold standard so the central reserve could implement fractional reserve banking which is a method of lending out large amounts of money backed by only a small amount (a fraction of that reserve). They would then hedge against those loans and lend even more based on fractions of current reserves. It's a gigantic scam and is completely non-sustainable as the only way to lend out more money (or put more money into the system) is to devalue the currency that is currently in ciculation. So yes, every time they print more money, your dollar becomes more worthless.

Not enough gold? That's because we've artificially inflated our currency so high. When the fiat system fails (and it will) Gold and other precious metals will once again become currency, so as long as everybody doesn't fall for the bait & switch (google: AMERO).

Ron Paul knows more about the economy than you can imagine. He's accurately predicted all of the economic downturns by simple observation and knowledge of history. He predicted the mortgage crises years before and nobody listened.

Wicked Monkey

The bankers will not let him get elected. They are funding contributions to almost everyone else thats running except Dr Paul to take the attention away from him... Its sad... He will always have my vote!

Personally. I would rather go into a great depression then continue this borrowing out of thin air. Eventually... Eventually the creditors will call in all the federal reserve notes (The Debt) and all madness will break out.

The more fake money printed=More of our Assets (Land, property (Including your body) Rights and freedoms) going down the drain. AKA the Richest controling the world. The 1%. The NWO.

Herzog, sorry for going off topic...
Carry on!


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Herzog etc., thanks for telling the true story. I have watched it happen over the years and only voted FOR one person that got elected, Reagan, and he let me down. All the others I voted AGAINST. Maybe Paul is the only way out of this mess but it will take years and a lot of pain.