Rose Garden Hill


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
There was mention awhile about about the Moab trail called "Rose Garden Hill" being closed to the public, and a few with special permission from the BLM running the trail. Any update on this? Is this currently an open trail for the public? If not what does it take to get a special permit from the BLM to take some vehicles on the trail.

Old thread that mentioned a closure:


Locked Up = More Freedom
Rose Garden Hill is a part of Top Of The World EJS trail. About a year ago we sat in at a meeting with BLM and some aquatic biologists. They presented a case where the stream temperature showed signs of haven risen by 1 or 2 degrees since they first started monitoring it (when ever that was!) and were concerned that aquatic life may be compromised. They said the temperature rise was possibly due to vehicle traffic. Even though they really couldn't make a case they compromised and said they would allow the EJS to run that trail as it fit in the 5 yr. permit that was issued. However, other traffic would not be allowed. The only part effected was The Narrows. But no traffic has really been allowed in the stream itself except for that one section. When the new 5 yr. permit for EJS is issued next year, The Narrows will be excluded from that trail. The short of it is: The Narrows is posted "CLOSED", but the rest of the trail, to my knowledge, is not in jepordy.