RS2477 - 101 - for dummies


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Who can give me the synopsis of RS2477 and how it works, when it is applied, what areas it applies to etc? Are there other laws that protect old roads?

For example (a current example I crossed this past week), an old road existed from the days of covered wagons, mine claims, etc. Then was used for motorized vehicles up until the mid 1960's when a new road was surveyed and created. This old road was then abandoned, but probably used as a hunting access road for many years after than. The old road can still be seen and potentially followed again in full sized 4x4. It is occasionally followed by ATV's. The forest service has in the past few years posted it as "no motorized vehicles". Who makes the call to have that old road closed? Does RS2477 cover this type of topic?


Sandy, Ut
rusted said:
Check your email. I tried to give you more info and some maps.

I got your email Keith... I know very little about that area, but I have been able to pull up some info on the USFS travel maps of that area... I will get back into it this weekend and see what I can find.


Lobbyist \ Consultant
Did you ever get your questions answered? I didnt mean to sound like a puke, in my response to this thread. I am a crappy typer, and there is alot to explain even with the basic answers to your questions, it would be way easier to do over the phone. let me know if we can help. Athough we are not a government agency we deal in RS 2477 matter ALOT! Almost daily.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Yeah for the most part I did. My question / example is more of a learning question than anything else. I did a lot of reading and talked to a friend who use to work for the BLM who answered lots of questions too. I will still give you a call if you don't mind. My question and why it came up is kind of long winded too, so I would rather call than type that as well. Thanks for you land use support.