"sagging" shackles???

I recently put on a 3.5" superlift on my 1990 yj and took it ouit to moab. During the trip i noticed that the shackles, especially the fronts were "sagging". As soon as we got home I orderd new bushings and this still didnt fix the problem. I have no idea how to fix it! I could really use some help with this one!!


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What do you mean by sagging? The angle of the shackle?

A slightly longer leaf spring will cause the shackle to lay more flat.
Were the springs new? If they were then the trip may have softened the springs up making the shackle angle more, giving the impression it is "sagging". Looks good though from the pic. I don't know if thats what your wondering about?
no problem there

X2 The angle of the shackle looks good, if it gets too straight up and down it will hinder droop and flex, and if the springs were new it they will settle and become softer which is good, so like everyone else said i don't see any problems?:confused: