Pasted from the USA-ALL email I received today:
Secretary Salazar to hold a public meeting in Moab tomorrow Wednesday Sept 28!!
We got wind of this meeting sometime before noon today, but we have been unable to get in front of our system to email you until now. Sorry for the short notice, but it seems either Mr Salazar has made a last minute change to his schedule or they are trying to keep us in the dark...even Utah's congressional delegation wasn't made aware of this until late this afternoon. UNACCEPTABLE!
The enviros had greater advanced notice about this and we smell a rat. we are concerned about what the feds and SUWA might be cooking up. SUWA plans to be to the meeting in force and compel the Secretary to take more action to close more places to OHVs.
Read the release below for all details. Please spread the word and make it if you can. USA-ALL will have one of our board members there, Dave Cozzens, to represent us well.
Department of Interior \ BLM Press Release
Date: September 27, 2011
Contact: Adam Fetcher (DOI)
202-208-6416 Russ von Koch (BLM)
Salazar to Discuss Conservation and Backcountry Recreation in Moab
Highlight Economic Benefits of Public Lands
MOAB, Utah-On Wednesday, Sept. 28, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar will join Moab community leaders and outdoor recreation stakeholders for a conversation
on the importance of conservation and outdoor recreation in creating jobs and building strong local economies across America. During the visit, the Secretary will hear about locally-driven conservation initiatives taking place on public lands in Utah and learn how the Department can better support them. Prior to the discussion, Salazar will visit the Mill Creek Canyon Wilderness Study Area (WSA) to learn firsthand about recommendations to preserve unique recreational and wilderness values of certain areas, such as Mill Creek, through potential Congressional action.
In June, Secretary Salazar directed Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes
to solicit input from members of Congress, state and local officials, tribes and federal land managers to identify lands that may be appropriate candidates for Congressional protection under the Wilderness Act. Hayes will deliver a report to the Secretary and Congress regarding those areas that the Department believes can be the basis for a bipartisan wilderness agenda that can be enacted in the 112
th Congress.
WHO: Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior Jeffrey "Rock" Smith, Bureau of Land Management Regional Office Manager
WHAT: Conversation about Outdoor Recreation, Conservation, and Job CreationWHEN: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 4:30 p.m. MDT Conversation about Outdoor Recreation, Conservation, and
Job Creation
WHERE: Location: Moab Adventure Center225 South Main Street
Moab, UT 84532
Again sorry for the short notice but we we also had almost no notice on this...lets try to get a good turnout even though they have tried to prevent it!
Michael Swenson
Utah Shared Access Alliance