second post for da newb


I have a new Trooper :D
Orem Utah
hey me again, this is THSDragoon

i have not been 4x4 driving very often because i dont really know where to go and my 4 wheel drive system needs some repair. but other than that i love going out in the woods and camping with my Isuzu Trooper known at home as 'fred the monsterous beast'. i have mostly been inspired to do more of this because of a co-worker at papa johns, and because of my father (he loves the 4x4 system on the trooper). so naturally i would like the same things as my dad.

and that is a short history about my off-road experience.



Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Welcome on behalf of RME and the U4WDA.
Be sure to read all the instructions in "Introductions & using the Forum".

U4WDA believes the four wheeling community is best served by:
1. Education thru the use of classes, pamphlets, and films to teach responsible conservation.
2. Use Auto Dealerships and suppliers for the distribution of information.
3. Support Utah Counties in obtaining Quiet Claims to roads within their jurisdiction.
4. Stays informed and work closely with all Government Agencies and local law enforcement.
5. Where practical uses peer pressure to keep OHV use within the law.
6. Inform local agencies and law enforcement of illegal OHV use.

We promote the following: BRC/UFWDA: National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
USA-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.