Selection for the 2006 UROC All-Stars Begins September 1st, 2006


TeamShark Attack
Selection for the 2006 UROC All-Stars Begins September 1st, 2006. Criteria for selection of this coveted group is as follows:

1- Ambassadors to the sport of rockcrawling. We are looking for teams who are key to the growth and development of the sport.

Teams who are proactive in its development, who display good sportsmanship at all times, and who expend extraordinary energy

in the promotion and growth of the sport for the future are nominated.

2- Ambassadors to UROC. Teams who extend proactive support to UROC, who contribute in its direction and growth and

demonstrate a positive attitude.

3- Exceptional teams with high rankings in their respective series.

4- ProNational Atlantic and/or Pacific teams and Extreme teams qualify.

READ More about it at

Thanks Team Shark Attack