Should I eat it?


somewhat damaged
It's been so wet I have mushrooms growing out of my yard tree now. While I thought it was neat enough to take a photo, anybody know what kind this is?



Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
There are mushrooms that grow on trees that are fine to eat like oyster mushrooms and velvet foot. I collect the wild mushrooms whenever I can but you need to know what they are. One thing you didn't show is the underside of the mushrooms which is one of the ways you can tell if it is an oyster. There are books on collecting wild mushrooms that help you identify what they are. Here is a website that I like that shows many of the local wild mushrooms:

You can even take your pictures and post them there and they will usually help you out. I have pictures on there of ones I have found.
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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I have quite the selection of mushrooms growing in my lawn right now. Anyone from RME is welcome (encouraged?) to come harvest them. The more you take, the less my dog will eat...
My coworker in Washington has a puppy that ate some mushrooms 2 weeks ago and almost died. It was walking into walls, vomiting, and in rough shape. They took it to an emergency vet and had the stomach pumped, found it had been eating mushrooms from the yard. Funny story once they found out the dog would be ok, but super scary while it was going down.