Shutdown could deal big blow to Utah river rafting outfit


Recovery Addict
So let me get this straight. If there is a government shutdown, then NOBODY can access land in National Parks? Even rivers? What? I can understand not being able to access federal buildings that are obviously closed...but a river that happens to go through NP lands?

But national parks will have to remain closed during any government shutdown. The Bureau of Land Management has told Oblak that he would not have access to rivers on its lands.

"We've basically been forbidden from running the rivers through the federal lands, so the shutdown has very dire consequences for us," said Oblak, 61, who co-owns the business with his wife, Denise Oblak.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking just the opposite, all land is now open!! I obviosly would not break into or open a locked gate


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
In a business world whoever is collecting the money is the last to go. Leave it to government to remove the person collecting the $. I'm waiting for them to say the IRS shut down. :spork:


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
What can be done to change the way things are done?
I guarantee that the salaries of these elected officials are not on the chopping block. If THEY were to be facing what WE are this would be solved in minutes.
So many crooked and corrupt policies.


Wandering the desert
These stories are all the media has to make us all afraid of a gov't shutdown. They will use recreation because it's about the only thing people actually like that the Gov't is involved in. I'd love to see anyone enforce this guy not running the rivers when he has his SRP to run the river. I'd invite my attorney along for a river ride.


Sandy, Ut
I don't know that they can keep them off the rivers, just from launching via Federal Lands i.e. Same thing has happened when State Parks have closed due to budget. Will they spend money to enforce the closures?


Registered User
All indications that we are receiving shows that they are infact expecting a real shutdown unlike other years. I'm worried, my entire household income is government and I'm just now getting close to getting my head above water. I'm so sick of politicians anymore, left or right. They can't come to a mutual consensus on anything anymore. For the conservatives to start with Obama care was a no starter from the get go. They should just left it alone for now, wait a year when they really get the hate mail about the true cost then attempt to make changes. It would of been perfect timing for a new election and ammo against Hilary which I guarantee will run............yes I am a registered Republican........considering to go Independent though.


Well-Known Member
ANd a three party system will not work as well because it will take their majority of votes from the conservative side ensuring a monopoly for the libs. We're screwed

yep, like when the dude from Texas that ran when the other dude form Texas ran against the dude from alabama...?

EDIT: we will still be delivering the mail