Sig sauer p250 9mm


Pretend Fabricator
I have had my sig sauer for a while now and i thoroughly enjoy the gun. When i bought the gun it had the barrel that was threaded for a suppresor and i as coola s it would be to have one I just dont see myself ever getting one so i would like to swap out the barrel for a regular one.

Does anyone on here have the same gun and would want to swap barrels??? Is there an online forum where i might find someone that would want to swap???
to be completely honest im not sure if its a full size or a compact.......whats an easy way to tell???
FWIW, I polished my barrel to accent the rest of it.




so over all length of the barrel is 113.7mm. It extends from the end of the slide 21mm. So this has lead me to believe that I have a subcompact. How far does the barrel stick out fromt the slide on a regular model???
I am a Jeweler, I simply polished it off.
I'm going to say you have a compact pistol, The sub-compact didnt have a provision for a light/laser, My full size has 5 slots for said light/laser, Yours has 3.
oh gotcha. Thanks for your help!!!! Are the suppressor barrels very popular what are the chances Ill find someone who wants to trade ???
oh gotcha. Thanks for your help!!!! Are the suppressor barrels very popular what are the chances Ill find someone who wants to trade ???

I would have loved it, But it wont work for me, If you get on the p250 site I mentioned above, I'm sure someone would like it, I'm VitSports6 on there.
Good luck
Did you use sand paper at all to get the original finish off??? I was reading and it looks like some guys do and some dont
On the slide I needed to use something more abrasive, Like emery paper, but all the other parts are just polished, I wouldn't suggest using sandpaper on any internal parts, There is a possibility of removing too much material and can cause unwanted issues :)