SL Trib-Entrenched intolerance makes it tough to resolve outdoor recreation conflicts


These go to 11
Please make your comments. The article is valid. But his opinion is that the OHV community is dug in. He needs to hear that we have made many compromises, with little or no press. We need to let him know that the OHV community are the ones that have approved of the "preferred plan" for each of the BLM RMP's so far. Even with thousands of miles of closures. People need to know that we are the reasonable ones. Even the BRC has made it known that we care about sustainability for public lands. We care about keeping areas open AND making them usable for EVERYONE for years to come.

Please take the time to comment.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
"Wouldn't it be far more productive if ATV owners admitted there are certain places and situations where the use of these machines needs to be regulated or even banned and if wilderness groups would recognize that there are appropriate places for motorized recreation?"

Doesn't sound bad to me, how do we get SUWA to agree to it?


I run a tight ship... wreck
I started a reply, but I got a little too passionate. My post didn't really point out how much we have conceded, kind went the other way. :eek: