Snakes 07-23-06


If anyone cares to still see video from the snakes...

chadschoon and I hit the snakes yesterday at 2:30 with Badger and a friend in town from VA, surprisingly we didn't see any other rigs until someone came up behind us on Con while we were bsing at the Nest.

I don't know what the deal with the high side of the falls on Rattlesnake but every other time I go up it without spinning a wheel... then the next time I can't get it :mad2:

WW was not kind to me, I tried many different lines similar to the ones at the first of the video for about 10 minutes before I tried the one that finally got me up (the last time I was out there the left side worked) somewhere in the middle of all that Chad had to winch me back off the rock since I was hung up and my reverse isn't all that anymore. I also smacked my drivers door pretty good coming up on the second step (Badger missed that in the vid because he was scrambling up the rock).

Chad made it ok after he stopped bouncing off the wall :rofl:

Here's a little bit from Constrictor, I still don't have a skid plate so we didn't go up the Nest.



Well-Known Member

i too watch the videos, and learn a lot about line selection, check out people's rigs, and get excited for the next time i can go out.