So there's this huge elephant in the living room...


Rarely wrenches
Supporting Member
I haven't been watching crude oil prices, but gas prices sure have been plummeting. At the peak this summer, gas was $4.15/gallon at the maverik outside my office, this morning it's $1.99...

Just looked at oil... $57/barrel, no wonder :eek:


Registered User
Arm Utah
Sure makes it less painful to fill up the car. The truck is getting better too. Wish diesel would come down more.


somewhat damaged
That elephant sure went on a diet...

Texas Fuel Prices


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member

The first 300 was 35-45 in slush and packed snow, terrible mileage from the varying speeds, then 80-85 the rest of the trip. Coming back I hoped for better and kept it at 80, and got about the same.

At a steady 65 I get 18-20 (confirmed at the pump).

Maybe I should move to the 315s?
Maybe I should move to the 315s?

Why for? Mileage wise, it's about the same as 295's once you do the math, but with less power. The last time I tested at 65 was with the 295's, when I was doing the work at Tesoro. I would pretty much get 18 on that commute, then blow it to he!! on the surface streets, where I get 12ish.

With the dptuner, intake and muffler, I've got plenty of power but will still go back to the 295's (if I can quit replacing the 315's). My chains won't fit with the 315's.



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Why for? Mileage wise, it's about the same as 295's once you do the math, but with less power. The last time I tested at 65 was with the 295's, when I was doing the work at Tesoro. I would pretty much get 18 on that commute, then blow it to he!! on the surface streets, where I get 12ish.

With the dptuner, intake and muffler, I've got plenty of power but will still go back to the 295's (if I can quit replacing the 315's). My chains won't fit with the 315's.


Yeah, 18 mpg is unobtainable in my truck. Possibly if I drove at 60 mph.
Precisely. I can get decent mileage if I go 65ish...but when am I gonna do that???

It's in the archives somewhere, but my mileage follows my speed something like this:

55 = 25ish
60 = 20ish
65 = 18ish
72 = 16.5
78 = 14.5

At least when I had my 295's and no mods. Surface streets netted 11-13. Still do. It was easy to track cuz the meter was dead on. With the tunerchipthingy, the meter is way off.
