Southwest Crawlfest???


Man, it's just crazy to hear about something like that happening! (although I'm still not entirely clear on what that something is, but clear enough) It makes a new(er) vendor like me nervous about future events...


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Vet your sources, ask around. Other vendors know who they can deal with pretty well... trust your nose-- if you smell smoke... well.... :D


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
I dont know what all went down in the SWCF forum, but I was told it was a bunch of people making accusations that were simply not true about the event, and/or organizer. I have personally known the organizer for many years, and he is a great guy. This is his third organized event. So if there is any problems, wouldnt you think they would have happened the other two times?? From what I have heard from him, and one of my other buddies is it is nothing but a bunch of lies and BS that people have been saying. Also from what I was told the organizer went to a MOD to have them close it down because it had simply become out of hand. (a MOD can feel free to PM me here if I am way wrong)

Now with that said, and like I said, I didnt read whatever apparently took place, maybe a MOD or someone could PM me if I am just completely wrong, since a MOD deleted everything? Or PM me with a little light on the subject? I am just going off of what I was told (and what I believe).

So why would U4WDA decide to run the WOTR, when they helped run, and sponsor SWCF???

Anyway, that is how I feel about it. And if there is a crawlfest next year, I am planning on helping out in anyway I can. I enjoyed the event this year, and it was my first.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
This is his third organized event. So if there is any problems, wouldnt you think they would have happened the other two times??

There were issues much like this years event.

So why would U4WDA decide to run the WOTR, when they helped run, and sponsor SWCF???

U4WDA in no way, shape or form helped run SWCF. I would not even call them a sponsor.

I am not a rep for U4 but I am quite sure Tacoma will echo the same sentiments.
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somewhat damaged
Also from what I was told the organizer went to a MOD to have them close it down because it had simply become out of hand. (a MOD can feel free to PM me here if I am way wrong)

Now with that said, and like I said, I didnt read whatever apparently took place, maybe a MOD or someone could PM me if I am just completely wrong, since a MOD deleted everything? Or PM me with a little light on the subject? I am just going off of what I was told (and what I believe).

Actually we were threatened with a lawsuit. An empty threat I'm sure, but a threat none-the-less. Since we don't like to play childish bullshit games we decided to close it up. Greg and I are NOT fans of drama and quite honestly that's all this is going to keep spawning.

This topic has been drama since last year's event and we're pretty tired of hearing about it.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
U4WDA's event policy is that the clubs put them on with some help from us, as member clubs.

We did not, I repeat, DID NOT SPONSOR Southwest Crawlfest this year. It's a good time, on great trails, and nominally, for land-use.
So far, U4WDA and USA-ALL have not received a list of the people who specified that their money went to them. I can't speak for BRC. That's a fact.
There are some financial discrepancies emerging that don't look very good right now. That's NOT a fact, and it would be awesome if everything is on the level.. but when enough people have the same issues, is that a bunch of crazy people? Or a problem?
Steve chose to go the route he's going instead of shining the light of truth on the shady information. That's his choice. Some of the people in the closed thread are getting their proof lined up, until then it's conjecture, and that's why the thread is closed.

I think it's a little strange that nothing has really been said by Steve, don't you? Would it bother you if there was the repeated rumor that say, I was misusing U4's funds?? I would hope that it would.

anyway, the truth sets you free, or it doesn't. But it does not equivocate or spin, or have threads closed. I am always disappointed when, instead of free and open discourse and debate, (which yields understanding when there is none), people shy away from that.


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
There were issues much like this years event.

U4WDA in no way, shape or form helped run SWCF. I would not even call them a sponsor.

I am not a rep for U4 but I am quite sure Tacoma will echo the same sentiments.

Ok I didnt know there were issues in years past

And wasnt big sargent there working the raffle, and I am prtty sure the words utah four wheel drive association used many many times throughout the raffle, and I am pretty sure the AYL broadcast had big sarg in there as well? Also talking about the U4WDA?

Again I am not trying to step on toes or anything here, just kinda clueless as to what went on along with many others on here.

Herzog I did not know that, thank you for clarifying that.

EDIT Thank you tacoma for saying that, and yes that does cause concern. I can see why everyone is not happy. Has anyone personally tried to get a hold of him? Again not trying to cause problems in anyway. Maybe some there is some good logical explanations?? I am in a way backing him up. I have been good friends with him for probably close to 4 years, and he has never seemed to do such things? And he is a very nice guy. I guess you cant blame me if I didnt know him well enough???
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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I want to be a little more clear regarding SWCF. We were invited to have a booth, as it was touted as a land-use event. Despite some reservations revolving around the issues from last year, which I know fairly little about since I was in DC then, we think that any land-use event is a good opportunity to spread the word. So we accepted and went.

WE DID NOT SPONSOR THE EVENT. In addition, I am also tired of hearing about it, but until things get resolved, it's GOING to keep coming up. As an organization under my watch, U4WDA has no interest in getting tangled up in this kind of drama, with rumors of theft, private raffles, people not getting paid, angry BLM managers, etc. It's not good for LAND USE. The rest of it I'm perfectly happy debating openly. That's difficult if the response to the questions is a lawsuit though, see? That doesn't add up.


somewhat damaged
Herzog I did not know that, thank you for clarifying that.

No problem. I didn't mean to come off pissy.

As reps of RME, we like to claim that we have a neutral stance on issues like this. This is an open forum. (sans unfounded direct personal attacks and a few other guidelines) We hate censorship as much as the next person, but sometimes a line needs to be drawn especially when somebody tries to bring the fight to the host.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I have personally known the organizer for many years, and he is a great guy.

Please find out how his mother is doing. We have been told by him in the previous thread that he would compile the numbers once his mother is feeling better. Since he spent last week at KOH, I would assume she is feeling better.


Man, it's just crazy to hear about something like that happening! (although I'm still not entirely clear on what that something is, but clear enough) It makes a new(er) vendor like me nervous about future events...

Sorry guys, I didn't mean to bring this all up again with this comment! I hate drama just like us all, and it sounds like we should kinda just drop the subject until some solid facts are drawn from the organizer/sponsors (not RME or U4). Until then, it's technically all just hearsay and conjecture, right? Anyways, I still look forward to sponsoring some future events! I'll just take your advice Tacoma and ask around to some more seasoned sponsors about Legit-ness if it's not a U4 or RME specific event. Looking forward to the BBQ! Are there any other local-ish events that one could donate to between now and the BBQ?? (kinda too late for WOTR)



always modifing something
Sandy Utah
I will wait to see what the facts are before I pass judgement on anyone here. I dont know anything pertaining to any of this issue.

I know Steve fairly well. He is a good guy, and I hope all gets sorted out soon.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Here's a couple important facts that can absolutely be stated, now:

USA-ALL has not received the money people specified to go to them.
U4WDA has not received the money people specified to go to them.

Legally, that alone is fraud. I am holding out hope that he is just super busy.

More later, I'm on my phone in the parking lot at WOTR. :D