St. George BLM RMP Dilema


Sandy, Ut
Yesterday's Federal Register had an NOI from the St. George BLM Field Office
for a Travel Plan amendment to their RMP:

Environmental statements; notice of intent:
St. George Field Office Resource Management Plan, UT,
(Scoping for Travel Plan Amendment.)

I'll include this link in the weekly summary too.

Following is some background and information from Brian Hawthorne (off
another list -- thanks Brian and BRC).

---------- From Brian Hawthorne ----------

The BLM's Dixie Field Office is preparing a OHV travel management plan pursuant
to their current Resource Management Plan (RMP) signed into effect sometime
around 1998 (I think). The existing RMP designated lands as "open" (cross
country travel allowed), "limited" (limited to existing, or limited to
designated) and "closed" (means closed). The RMP specified that in "limited"
areas, route by route designations would be made at a later date. The Dixie FO
has been trying to get the budget to implement the route designation planning
for some time. They got budgeted for planning last year, but the Washington
Office delayed the start of the planning process until "05.

It's going to affect motorized recreation quite profoundly. In all areas not
already closed, all motorized travel will be limited by this travel plan. The
plan will designation what routes are open, and for which types of vehicles.

The BLM has been conducting route inventories for a while now. Their progress
has not be open for public review. That is a concern because in other BLM
offices route inventory has been, shall we say... quite disappointing (how's
that for being politically correct?!?). OHV enthusiasts must be prepared to
document the roads and trails used in the Dixie Field Office as soon as
possible, and as soon as it is available, the OHV community familiar with this
area will need to review and comment on the BLM's route inventory.

The BLM has announced two public meetings. One in Hurricane on Feb 2nd, the
other in St. George on Feb 3rd. Contact me or BLM for meeting time and place.

BRC will be working with USA-ALL as well as the Wizards, the four wheel drive
club and the local ATV clubs to formulate some comment suggestions. Stay tuned!

Brian Hawthorne
BlueRibbon Coalition
208-237-1008 ext 102


I run a tight ship... wreck
Those that go should attend both meetings. I mean, they're about 30 min from each other, one day after the other.

Why the middle of the week though? If it were a Thurs-Fri, I'd be more able to make it.