St. George


New Member
Hey guys, I'm heading down to St. George next weekend with my family, and I'll have my Rover. Wondering what kind of trails I can hit down there... I saw 'fault line trail' - but I'm a bit confused whether or not that's just another name for west rim? How difficult is it? Are there other trails in sand hollow that I could handle? Looks like Milt's Mile and the Overlook are the least technical in the maps section.

The rover is stock, on 32" all-terrains. I do have the ability to throw some lift rods in, to give myself an extra two inches. I'll also air down, I've got a pump in the back. No sliders or anything, so not looking for anything super technical or anything. Just something to lift a tire, maybe some small step ups, etc. I'll do anything, as long as I don't think I'll be damaging body panels...

Give me some insight guys? I really appreciate it!