Strike Ravine


Active Member
Sandy, UT
'bout time...

I am pleased to see this most appropriate ruling. Now that the easement is upheld, everyone PLEASE be respectful of the private property and keep it clean and be low impact on the trail! Thanks RR Wheelers!


Registered User
That article was by Lisa Church. Isn't she the "Journalist" that usually rights vary biased land use articles? Maybe she received some feed back from us about being biased, because I thought this article was very neutral. She actually gave both sides of the confrontation last spring. Good news for now but, something tells me that this case is not over. suwa will probably give the couple some money to appeal.


Vanilla Gorilla
for heaven sake people please dont give these landowners a bunch of crap...I would even propose a kill em with kindness type deal....lets be imaginative and find a way to thank these people if and when they do settle this deal. It is hard to swallow the pride of winning and really try to morally resolve the issue with the individuals affected directly.

just a thought....


aka. Hollywood
I know first hand how confrontational the couple is that own the land, I agree with Spence. They are looking for any reason to sue, or gain the upper hand.



Registered User

That's my favorite trail, kill them with kindness whatever???????? I say we should get about 30000 of our best friends with music blaring and go run Lower Helldorado while we still can. I doubt they are going to be nice and probably will be setting BOOBY traps for us. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


formerly "rckcrlr"
richpblaze said:
That's my favorite trail, kill them with kindness whatever???????? I say we should get about 30000 of our best friends with music blaring and go run Lower Helldorado while we still can. I doubt they are going to be nice and probably will be setting BOOBY traps for us. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Lower is still off limits, this just covers SR....

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
richpblaze said:
That's my favorite trail, kill them with kindness whatever???????? I say we should get about 30000 of our best friends with music blaring and go run Lower Helldorado while we still can. I doubt they are going to be nice and probably will be setting BOOBY traps for us. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

With that attitude it's no wonder that more people are against motorized off road recreation every day. Why not be part of the solution instead of the problem? They bought the property fair & square, they fought for their right to control what happens on the property they bought & were told there were no easements or ROW's of any kind on it before they bought it. Like the judge in the case said, the wording of the law is awful.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
We are very pleased. Judge Anderson was very fair and I think he made the right decision based on the facts. At the hearing he basically said that SITLA screwed up, but that we (RR4W and the public) shouldn't be punished because of SITLAs mistake. Also, the wording of the relevant statute is very ambiguous.


Hopefully this sets up a powerful precedent for future trail closure conflicts.

David Adams
RR4W Land Use Officer


Do I bother you?
Denver, CO
greenjeep said:

I hate to be ignrant, but is the case with lower even open now, or will it basically be permanantly closed? I never got to run it, but now I am setup well enough to!


formerly "rckcrlr"
Klif01 said:
I hate to be ignrant, but is the case with lower even open now, or will it basically be permanantly closed? I never got to run it, but now I am setup well enough to!

It is closed and will be unless the owners change their minds (not going to happen) It is on private property and is theirs fair and square. They own it. There is no "historical" use of lower to even pursue a r of w claim.

Again I apllaude Jermey for buying the land upper sit on. He and his partners did a great thing for us. So when you get mad about lower being closed....get even and help BFE keep that area open for all of us!! As long as we respect "their" property rights, they have to respect Jermey's to let us use that land. If "they" don't then "they" look like the whiners....



Registered User
It was a joke

Rick B said:
With that attitude it's no wonder that more people are against motorized off road recreation every day. Why not be part of the solution instead of the problem? They bought the property fair & square, they fought for their right to control what happens on the property they bought & were told there were no easements or ROW's of any kind on it before they bought it. Like the judge in the case said, the wording of the law is awful.

Did you not see the smiles HAHAHAHAHA!


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Klif01 said:
I hate to be ignrant, but is the case with lower even open now, or will it basically be permanantly closed? I never got to run it, but now I am setup well enough to!

Sorry, it's still closed. There's quite a bit of dispute as to wether that road was open for more than 10 years........


formerly "rckcrlr"
mbryson said:
Sorry, it's still closed. There's quite a bit of dispute as to wether that road was open for more than 10 years........

There really is no dispute....Even the trails creators admit is not 10 years old. It was a wash bottom we decided to drive up one day....Then Hawkins and Zuk went back and made it a trail all the way up. Not a mining trail or anything....people have tried to find it on old maps, but no luck.