SUWA Alert!


Registered User
This was just posted on SUWA's web site. Your representatives better hear from you or you can kiss Moab goodbye.

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This alert is brought to you by the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance 1471 S. 1100 E., Salt Lake City, UT 84105, 801-486-3161, ================================================== ==========


America's Redrock Wilderness Act Reintroduced in Congress with Record Number of Cosponsors!

On Wednesday, April 20th, longtime Utah wilderness champions Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Senator Richard Durbin
(D-IL) reintroduced the latest version of Utah's quintessential wilderness bill, America's Redrock Wilderness Act. The Redrocks bill seeks to permanently protect Utah's last remaining wild desert lands, by designating 9.5 million acres of Bureau of Land Management public lands as wilderness.

Congressman Hinchey and Senator Durbin chose the week of Earth Day to introduce this bill, to emphasize that preserving undeveloped, wild land for our children is vital to a vibrant, healthy planet. The Redrocks bill ensures that we will always have a place to go to escape the commotion of daily life.

The introduction of America's Redrock Wilderness Act in the 109th Congress, as with each previous introduction, brought out a record number of original Congressional cosponsors. 151 members of the House signed on to cosponsor H.R. 1774 before its official introduction, and 14 members signed on to the version in the Senate, S. 882. This list of Congressional supporters of wild Utah includes several new cosponsors.

Click here to view the full list of current cosponsors:


SUWA would like to thank each of the cosponsors for their support for the wild redrock country of Utah.

As in years past, Sen. Durbin and Rep. Hinchey seek to bring Utah into the forefront of the national public lands discussion. With growing numbers of Congressional cosponsors, the issue of Utah wilderness is getting the attention of the nation, and sends a message that there is broad support for preserving the whole of Utah's redrock wilderness. Without your consistent advocacy effort through phone calls, letter writing, meeting with elected officials and hours of volunteer time, we never would have reached this impressive number of cosponsors.

Now that the America's Redrock Wilderness Act has been reintroduced with record support, we have a great opportunity to build on that momentum. In 2003, America's Redrock Wilderness Act garnered a total of 162 cosponsors in the House and 15 in the Senate. We want to surpass those numbers, but we need your help to do it!

Please take a few minutes right now and write a quick email to your representative and senators either thanking them for their support, or to encourage them to cosponsor the bill. By following the links below, you will be directed to a site that will help you compose a quick message to your elected officials based upon their position on the bill. Quick, easy and most of all effective in letting your representatives know that you want to see Utah's wilderness protected for future generations.

To write a quick email to your Senator(s), follow this link:

To write a quick email to your Representative, follow this link:

Thank you all for your continued support! For more information about our work to protect Utah's wild places, please go to

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To join the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, go to Since our early days as a small locally-based advocacy group, SUWA has remained a lean issues-focused organization with low overhead costs and a commitment to on-the-ground wilderness protection. Nearly 80% of our funding comes from individual donations from concerned citizens like you. PLEASE JOIN SUWA TODAY and participate in one of the nation's most effective forces for wilderness protection.
Thank you.

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Registered User
Americas Redrock Wilderness Act

Here are the web links to the actual Bills introduced on 4/21/2005. All of the sponsors are from back East except one from California. If this Bill passes, you can kiss your favorite trail in Southern Utah goodbye. SUWA will point out that 90% of BLM land in Utah is open to OHV access. However, most of that BLM land has little scenic or recreational value.

Email Addresses:

Let them hear about:

Americas Redrock Wilderness Act

I would like to suggest that the emails address issues such as:

-Damage to Rural community economies
-Discrimination of access against the young, old and disabled
-Only the hardiest hiker can access remote sites in the desert wilderness
-Loss of millions in Government revenue through OHV registration and use fees
-OHV recreation is a family centered activity