SUWA on Moab RMP


I like the fact that they have to tell their members what they should say.....IE, the people that join that group are sheep and must be treated as sheep.


Who Dares Wins
SUWA is Watching

This is something that SUWA is doing. They are attempting to gather data to use in the upcoming RMP battle.

Moab Desert Inspection Training Workshop
For those in the Moab area, consider becoming part of SUWA's trailmonitoring program -- the Moab Desert Inspection. Working closely with our partner organization, the Great Old Broads for Wilderness, this project will document intense off-road-vehicle damage on sensitive trails in the Moab area. Participants will hike certain trails, taking digital photos and logging those locations with a GPS unit. Most of the photos will exactly replicate photos taken years before, thus creating a direct before-and-after comparison, which have proven to be very convincing evidence for BLM staff. The photos and the data will be stored on Great Old Broads' publicly-accessible online database. Please respond by email to or by phone to 259-4399 if you are interested in finding out more about the Moab Desert Inspection.


Who Dares Wins
You know I agree with what they are saying in that the deadline needs to be extended and the public does not have time to read and analyze a 3000 pg. document.

954 Pages. I think that its plenty of time, the problem is that most of us (4-wheel drive enthusiasts) are not taking the time to read it. Drop the magazines and analyze this and write an informed opinion. This RMP will affect our sport more than any of us really realize. 1,000 pages really isn't that much if you think about it.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
I have read a lot of the important parts and understand the 4 options. I need to study further each individual road and trail. Kudos to those who have made it easier. This whole thing scares the crud out of me, we might be wheeling in just private parks before too long.


Registered User
I like the fact that they have to tell their members what they should say.....IE, the people that join that group are sheep and must be treated as sheep.

Oh, come on. ORV groups do the same damn thing. We know that most people are not going to read the thing or be able to say anything intelligent. And people themselves know that they don't have the time to go over all of these documents and comment. Or even keep up with all the issues. This is exactly what advocacy groups like SUWA, BRC, USA-ALL and the others do. People support these groups because they trust them to keep track of the issues and set policy priorities. Then, act as the spokespeople for the issue in the political arena.

So lets not be hypocritical.


Formerly WJ ZUK
This is something that SUWA is doing. They are attempting to gather data to use in the upcoming RMP battle.

Maybe they shoud take pictures of lions back, where you can't even see tire tracks anymore after 5 months:rolleyes:

Mead, WA
This whole thing scares the crud out of me, we might be wheeling in just private parks before too long.

I was just telling someone that this stuff is REAL!! There are no public lands in WA left to go wheelin' on. They are all gone. All that is left is ORV parks. I've visited a few since I've been here, and I've drove all over them in 2wd. Get involved. I'm sure this won't stop in WA.


Oh, come on. ORV groups do the same damn thing. We know that most people are not going to read the thing or be able to say anything intelligent. And people themselves know that they don't have the time to go over all of these documents and comment. Or even keep up with all the issues. This is exactly what advocacy groups like SUWA, BRC, USA-ALL and the others do. People support these groups because they trust them to keep track of the issues and set policy priorities. Then, act as the spokespeople for the issue in the political arena.

So lets not be hypocritical.
