SUWA petition

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
We should should definately be fighting this.

Expect SUWA to do all they can to try and push through ARRWA this year. If you're not aware of what the the America's Redrock Wilderness Act is about, you need to read up on it.

Very bad.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
this may sound like a stupid question but how do we fight it? I am some what new to defending our land use but I am all for it! what could a person like me do for the cause?


Formerly Beardy McGee
this may sound like a stupid question but how do we fight it? I am some what new to defending our land use but I am all for it! what could a person like me do for the cause?

Get involved with groups like U4WDA, USA-ALL, BRC...


U4WDA has a meeting coming up this Thursday, tomorrow.. Jeep/Chrystler dealerships upstairs conf. room... You are welcome to come and see what there is to do.



I run a tight ship... wreck
Let's put together a petition that is anti-ARRWA and begin passing it around on RME, Pirate and OHV-related sites. :greg:

SUWA is presenting that petition... who do we want to present ours? USA-ALL?