SWEET Desnews.com!!! Nice work Craig Norton! There should be more of these


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member

Precise, factual and exactly what needs to be said. NICE! (I wonder why mine never get printed?) I couldn't say it any better, anyway.

SUWA trying to dupe public
Through newspaper and radio ads, once again the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance is using gross exaggerations, misinformation and even outright lies to try to dupe the public into giving up our access to Utah's most beautiful lands. They want to prevent the vast majority of citizens from traveling to our most precious places by closing hundreds of miles of roads, bike routes and trails that have been used by Utahns to appreciate nature's scenic beauty for generations.
I am proud that Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. and other officials are fighting to preserve the public's access to our scenic lands by helping Utah's rural counties fight back against this well-funded special-interest group.

Craig Norton

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