Teeth movie review


Vanilla Gorilla
Yeah...Teeth, real exciting movie title right? Well considering it refers to the fact that a girl may or may not have been born with teeth in her vagina might convince some of you to go see this movie. I watched it with a girl and lets just say I wasn't feeling like getting it on after watching this movie...I soon got over it but hey....teeth in a vagina....why did nobody think of this sooner?

It isn't a horror movie per se' just a look into what it would be like to be a girl with teeth in her vagina....teeth people....TEETH!!!!:rofl:


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St. George
Wehave a bad movie night at my house where the point is to find the worst movie you can. Last time we did it I saw a movie called 'killer condom'. From what I gathered fromthe box it is about a condom with teeth