Thank You All for St. George!!!

Myself, my partner Jake (the security guy who got in a yelling match with UROCs big boss on Saturday ), Mike Baer, and all of the UROC staff and volunteers would like to thank all of the competitors for a great event. We could not do it with out you. Mike, a couple of the judges, Jake and I were talking a couple days before the event trying to find a way to show our appreciation to all of you, so we all got together at my office and came up with the idea of thank you stickers. I know it wasnt much but they came from our hearts to all you you. Jake and I designed them , but due to my hard drive failing, I didn't get them finished until early Thursday morning, so I didn't get to tech until around 1330. Natalie put them in all the driver packets she had left, and we tried to catch up to the ones we missed at the event. I know we missed a few of you competitors, and even some Judges, Marshals and staff. If we missed giving you one of these stickers, which we all think were pretty cool, please give me or Mike Baer an email with your mailing info because we would really like to know we have not forgotten anyone. You all mean so much to us and we appreciate you, so we would like you to know this. Please contact us if you didn't recieve one of our thank you stickers so we can get one to you. Or if you need anything else, feel free to contact either of us.

Again, Thank You ALL!!