Thanks to AYL TV.

great scott

Well-Known Member
Its nice to see a show that gives our veiw point as land users. It seems that way to often all the negitive (green wackos) stuf makes the media and not the good. This weekends show was as good as ever (watch it), but I realy liked the covrage of the 05 EJS.


Well-Known Member
Doug Miller also had a nice spot on his show about the San Rafael Swell area, and the need for responsible use of the area or it will end up closed.


Lobbyist \ Consultant
It should be noted that this program is A huge supporter of motorized land access. Chad is trying to take this show all over the Western U.S.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Support the advertisers of this show, let them know you have seen thier commercials on AYL and ask your local shops why they dont advertise with AYL, encourage them to do so in the future, tell them why this show is so important. To support this show and it's advertisers is to support Motorized Access. It's a simple way you can help promote those who look after your interests. Thanks!

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