The best XJ tech Forum?


Registered User
In the winter I will be beginning the build up of a really well built XJ.

I figure I will do 2 build threads one on here and one a national type forum.

So I need to decide which XJ forum to join and post to.

So what is the best XJ tech forum and WHY do you think so?

If you have strong negative feelings about one of the xj forums you should probably PM me rather than post it up.


87 Bronco, 460, np 435, np 203/205, d-60, gm 14bolt... t-case and axles going into an xj next year...
there are quite a few ; (they havea big xj forum there; i have herd is good; and then there's if you want to get harrassed and yelled at with allot of constructive criticism and little liking to your project :)
if you aren't doing one-ton's steer clear of pirate or you'll get cyber-stabbed... spectating is fine though, i am always on there

naxja has some way cool stuff and some way lame stuff (which is fine)

cherokee forum, cherokee talk and jeepforum are on the bottom of my list but i frequent them when i need a :laughing:
i spend most of my time on xjtalk. it is a newer forum but has some good tech and really good people to deal with. i posted my long arm build on their and it was a big hit. i would check out that our cherokeeforum.
if you aren't doing one-ton's steer clear of pirate or you'll get cyber-stabbed...

Well I am ;) (but it is a ball joint 60 so probably still not good enough...)

I have never been a big fan of pirate, it seems to be too much to follow. Although it is the first place I search for tech.

I heard some bad things about NAXJA but that doesn't concern me too much, as there are a-holes on every board. (sometimes I think I am one of them...)

I will have to look into xjtalk, I like the idea of small since people will actually read and contribute to the thread.

Depending on how it goes I may just post it up here since there are some really knowledgeable people on this forum.


For true XJ tech NAXJA is one of the only places to go. JeepForum is useless for XJ tech it is more a bunch of noobs then anything else. Are there people that know what they are talking about sure but few and far between. CherokeeForums I could not say, I have been there once or twice but since it is a newer site compared to places like NAXJA I can guess that it is going to have less information. Your best bet is to pool as many places as you can together for the best of their information.

I will say one of the first thing you will want to look into are frame stiffeners and a full cage to stiffen the body up as much as possible. The XJ is a great vehicle but to ask it to hold up to large amounts of abuse is to much without large amounts of help.
I will say one of the first thing you will want to look into are frame stiffeners and a full cage to stiffen the body up as much as possible. The XJ is a great vehicle but to ask it to hold up to large amounts of abuse is to much without large amounts of help.

Yup full frame stiffeners and an exo cage are on the list. I know the exo is a compromise but the interior is sooo much smaller than the bronco to add a cage in there is not appealing to us. I do want to add an "H" or an "X" going through the cab behind the drivers seats, this should make the back seat pretty useless.

We are starting with a completely stock 1999 with I6 and 5spd.

I will probably post my "pre-build" thread in Sept sometime.

go with a hybrid cage like braden/rockmonkey has. it's the perfect compromise, that is why they are growing in popularity so fast! seeing exo'd a,b,c or d pillars makes me want to punch a pregnant panda... why throw away the narrowness of the xj with some huge rock-grabbers?
go with a hybrid cage like braden/rockmonkey has. it's the perfect compromise, that is why they are growing in popularity so fast! seeing exo'd a,b,c or d pillars makes me want to punch a pregnant panda... why throw away the narrowness of the xj with some huge rock-grabbers?

I'm used to a full size full bodied bronco so narrow-ness is relative...

If he still makes them I was going to go with one of these. (we have a 4 door)
