The Darkside of Dubai


Giver of bad advice
That is a very interesting story. Mine own visits to the general area sound much like this story. Although, I've never been to Dubai, similar stories are all over Gulf region.


Vanilla Gorilla
Slavery has an interesting history...a vast majority of the fortunes held today were built on the backs of one form of slavery or another. It is a sad commentary on humanity when we realize that mistreating our fellow humans can help us "get ahead".

I've heard such tales about other middle eastern countries but I don't know why I was so surprised that Dubai was in the same boat. That was an interesting read and a sad one unfortunately.


Registered User
I dont really understand why people think this is new....that is the real world. It's sad to put it like that but for the most part it is. I really think they were stupid for going there and not knowing what would happen if they cant pay a debt.