The PC BS in the LA Times


These go to 11
Apparently if you live in LA you have all the answers. This article is the best in one sided reporting. And it should remind each and every one of us that the fight for Utah's public lands is not just our fight. There are all sorts of "Jonny come latelys" around the nation that are happy to take away your access to lands they will never even attempt to see. GET PISSED, GET EDUCATED, GET INVOLVED! Soon the fight will be on our doorstep. This article just shows what we are up against.,1,3820931.story


Wandering the desert
This makes me so mad. Why can't they just stay outta our state? Mind their own damn business. Grazing rights lost, public access lost, where will it end? In this age of "eco-friendly" BS anything that even sounds remotely un-PC is being attacked. Phrases such as "offroading" and "rock-crawiling" have gotten such a bad rap that it is hard to convince anyone that we do care about the land. Well, I do care about this land damnit. I want my children to see it and be able to camp and enjoy it the same way I do now. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, just venting my unbelievable frustrations.


Let's Roll For Justice
I'm not a star wars nerd but..... I couldn't help but think of her writing that from the death star, how dare the small communities challenge it's power!!


It's just one term!
I don't think anyone in there right mind would really believe much of any thing they read in the LA Times.
:cody: is about all i can say.