The San Rafael & AYL


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
This is from an email I just received.

Set your recorders for this Sunday (March 8th) 9:00 AM (or) 11:00 PM to record the At Your Leisure television show on ABC channel 4.
This week's episode is centered on the successful and cooperative management by the Price BLM concerning OHV use in the San Rafael area. There truly is allot of success that has come from "working together" by the BLM, the OHV users/clubs/organizations and the State of Utah Parks & Recreation OHV program.
BLM representatives Mike Stiewig, Tom Gnojek, and Bill Allinson met with OHV representatives Scott Wheeler and Alan Peterson to explain to the AYL film crew how it was, how it is, and how they hope it will be in the future.
Successful management stories are a great incentive for all to become more active in management of public lands.
Success stories help everyone to understand the importance of........................
Please let the BLM know what you think about the show and the success from working with the public.
Alan J. Peterson
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