There goes the neighborhood..

1\4elliptic toy

The Dark Side
I'm not up to speed on this, in fact I am just learning of it now, Anyone got any info on this?

updated 4:33 p.m. ET, Thu., Dec. 23, 2010

What's wilderness? Bush-era curbs are repealed staff and news service reports

The Obama administration on Thursday undid a Bush-era policy that curbed some types of wilderness designations within the 245 million acres managed by the federal Bureau of Land Management.

While Congress remains the only body allowed to create "Wilderness Areas," the move gives BLM field managers the go ahead to protect areas determined to have "wilderness characteristics."

"I am proud to sign a secretarial order that restores protections for the wild lands that the Bureau of Land Management oversees on behalf of the American people," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in Denver, where he announced the shift.

Congressional Republicans pounced on the announcement as an attempt by the Obama administration to close land to development without congressional approval.

"This backdoor approach is intended to circumvent both the people who will be directly affected and Congress. I have to question why this announcement is being made only after Congress adjourned for the year," said Washington state Rep. Doc Hastings, a Republican tapped to lead to the House Natural Resources Committee when the GOP takes control of the House in January.

The order essentially repeals a policy adopted in 2003 under then Interior Secretary Gale Norton. That policy stated that Interior could not designate some wilderness protections on its own and had to rely only on Congress for any designations.

The 2003 policy reflected an out-of-court deal struck between Norton and then-Utah Gov. Michael Leavitt to remove protections for some 2.6 million acres of federal land in Utah.

The policy allowed oil and gas drilling, mining and other commercial uses on land under consideration as wilderness areas.

The new policy creates a management category called "Wild Lands".

The Interior Department said that "'Wild Lands,' which will be designated through a public process, will be managed to protect wilderness characteristics unless or until such time as a new public planning process modifies the designation.

"Because the 'Wild Lands' designation can be made and later modified through a public administrative process, it differs from 'Wilderness Areas,' which are designated by Congress and cannot be modified except by legislation, and 'Wilderness Study Areas,' which BLM typically must manage to protect wilderness characteristics until Congress determines whether to permanently protect them as Wilderness Areas or modify their management."BLM Director Bob Abbey said it hasn't been decided how many acres are expected be designated as "Wild Lands" and whether those acres will be off-limits to motorized recreation or commercial development while under congressional review. It's also unclear whether there will be a time limit on how long acres can be managed as "Wild Lands" before a decision is made on their future.

Salazar said the agency will also resume evaluating federal BLM lands that could be recommended to Congress for designation as wilderness areas.

The BLM has six months to submit a plan for new wilderness evaluations, Salazar said.

Ranchers, oil men and others have been suspicious of federal plans to lock up land in the West, worrying that taking the BLM land out of production would kill rural economies that rely on ranchers and the eastern Montana oil and gas business.

Their suspicions have been heightened since memos leaked in February revealed the Obama administration was considering 14 sites in nine states for possible presidential monument declarations.

That included 2.5 million acres of northeastern Montana prairie land proposed as a possible bison range, along with sites in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Washington.

Environmental groups praised the reversal, though there has been grumbling that it took the Obama administration nearly two years to overturn the Bush-era policy.

"Washington D.C. always takes longer than you want, but we're glad we've gotten here," said Suzanne Jones, regional director for The Wilderness Society.
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I run a tight ship... wreck
Salazar screwed us, long story short. :mad2: Hopefully those that have been building a good reputation with the BLM will be the voice of reason and the BLM won't go crazy with designating Wilderness Areas. :ugh:


Wandering the desert
I'm more frightened by this than anything SUWA has done. I have a great deal of respect for those BLM employees on the ground doing their jobs, but this kind of political maneuvering at the top levels is frightening.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
This is beyond is a federal agency that is basically taking the stance of doing what they want until congress tells them they can't. The DOI is not supposed to make any changes with out the direction of Congress. This is probably the biggest back door job that has pulled on western states. They knew the Omnibus was going to fail so they used this behind the scenes after hour ploy to lock up federal land. This essentially gives the BLM the power to make defacto wilderness. Based on my experience wiht the Price FO, unless something changes, you can kiss a lot of the roads and trails in the San Rafael good bye.

In 2008 when SUWA was pushing for the WC designations there was a group of six of us that spent the better part of a month documenting with gps logs and pictures of all the roads and trails in San Rafael that makes that area not worthy of a designation of an area with Wilderness Charicteristics. Without that, many more of the roads and trials would have been closed in the 2008 RMP.

The only way this is going to be corrected is for Congress to reign in the DOI interior for their actions. It is time for everyone in the west to quit sitting idle and raise hell with elected officials to make a stance on what this adminstration is doing behind closed doors.
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Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
If the DOI keeps this up people will just go wherever they want to and we will have anarchy. This is another Czar type ruling by the Obama administration. If they can not do it legally they make it an administrative directive. (the King says) We can not afford to let this die and must bring up the subject every chance we get. We must urge our LEGAL representatives to do the following. 1. Remove funding from the DOI. 2. Censure Salazar and if he is not removed from his position then censure Obama. 3. File a class action suit against the DOI to put this action on hold. 4. Keep in contact with your local DOI, BLM, and FS agencies to find out what they will be doing. 5. Complain, complain, complain and complain some more. 6. Put this on every internet outlet you have access too. 6. Don't let this drop from public attention.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
If the DOI keeps this up people will just go wherever they want to and we will have anarchy. This is another Czar type ruling by the Obama administration. If they can not do it legally they make it an administrative directive. (the King says) We can not afford to let this die and must bring up the subject every chance we get. We must urge our LEGAL representatives to do the following. 1. Remove funding from the DOI. 2. Censure Salazar and if he is not removed from his position then censure Obama. 3. File a class action suit against the DOI to put this action on hold. 4. Keep in contact with your local DOI, BLM, and FS agencies to find out what they will be doing. 5. Complain, complain, complain and complain some more. 6. Put this on every internet outlet you have access too. 6. Don't let this drop from public attention.

All great points Jack. I have been on the phone with several people today and they all agree that the DOI interior is making directives they do not have the authority to. The great debate here is whether our elected officials can get enough support from other states to make something happen. I am sure that they are working on it.

I am good friends with Matheson's local aide. I talked to her briefly this morning and will follow up after Christmas to see what can be done. The one thing I have been able to gather is that the State of Utah probably does not have any grounds to file a lawsuit.


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
From what Rob Bishop indicated today, there is a clause that will require every plot of land that they attempt to designate as wilderness to be evaluated for the impact that this will have on the local economy and industry. He is prepared to hold Salazars feet to the fire on this. This is especially important, relative to how much State Trust Land has been and will be impacted by this circumvention of the US Constitution and how many billions of dollars that this takes away from the Utah schools.

I agree with Jack, apply steps 1-6......repeat until successful.
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Active Member
Rainer is a good guy. I met him down in Caineville like 4 years ago. He came around and asked if we could write some sort of letter (pictures attached) about how important keeping the area open to the public was.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I was sorry to see him forced out of USA-ALL. He made some mistakes but was an overall asset to the off road community. Maybe we could talk him out of retirement.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I was sorry to see him forced out of USA-ALL. He made some mistakes but was an overall asset to the off road community. Maybe we could talk him out of retirement.


Rainer started USA-ALL in 1999 and resigned in 2007 when I coincidentally joined their board as a representative from U4. From what I know, yes he made some mistakes but Uall has gone down hill since he resigned. I thought they would get better then they have but it has not happened in my opinion. I think Rainer would be an asset to any off road group. It was Steve Jackson that was forced out and the downhill slide started.