those dumb freaking U of Utards!!


Formerly black_ZJ
Just need to vent for a second. Those damn idiots in charge at the U scheduled their spring break a week later this year, so I might have to cancel my Moab plans because my buddies who were going to be joining me have their break a week later than SLCC!! The past 2 years we had the same schedule and it worked out great, now they have to go and pull this crap, why?!


Who Dares Wins
Not to really defend the schedule or anything, but you do know that they release the whole academic year schedule in the summer of the prior year, right? Plenty of time to adjust plans.


Formerly black_ZJ
Not to really defend the schedule or anything, but you do know that they release the whole academic year schedule in the summer of the prior year, right? Plenty of time to adjust plans.

I attend SLCC and assumed it was still the same, given the fact we had the same schedule the last two years I had no reason to think otherwise.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
When I went to the U, we never had the same spring break as SLCC.

I do remember planning a spring break trip for friends years ago, and I had to log onto both SLCC and UofU websites to determine the exact dates of each spring break. It was a big pain, but 45 seconds later I had the info I needed (cause it would have taken my friends a month to get back to me).

The real scheduling travesty is that the Rocky Mountain Brewers Beerfest and Grand Slam West are on the same weekend every year. I need to talk GSW into moving the weekend ;)


Formerly black_ZJ
Yup, that'll do it. I'm not sure how my brain is going to adjust to grad school after 8 years of solid drinking and tom-foolery. :sick:

Just start reading more in general and your brain will start to retrieve stored information. A buddy just took the GMAT after being out of school for 6 years and scored a 680, he only studied for 3 or 4 weeks.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
What program are you going for again?

Westminster MBA with a graduate certificate in Entrepreneurship.

Just start reading more in general and your brain will start to retrieve stored information. A buddy just took the GMAT after being out of school for 6 years and scored a 680, he only studied for 3 or 4 weeks.

I pulled down a 750 on the GMAT so I'm not really worried about what I've lost per se, I'm more concerned that my brain is going to short circuit itself when I want to go out and have a few beers in the evening instead of sitting in front of a computer punching keys like a monkey. blah.

The fact that I'm sitting here at 9:45 working on my business taxes constantly telling myself that I can put this off until later so I can go have a few beers, is proof enough that I'm going to have a difficult adjustment period.
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Who Dares Wins
Westminster MBA with a graduate certificate in Entrepreneurship.

The fact that I'm sitting here at 9:45 working on my business taxes constantly telling myself that I can put this off until later so I can go have a few beers, is proof enough that I'm going to have a difficult adjustment period.

Thats awesome man! Wanna go have a few brews to celebrate? :p


Sell out
What's wrong with doing homework and having a couple beers? Just beacuse you start school doens't mean you can't drink.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Dayem, I'm jealous. Last time I looked at that the $$ skeered me away.

Maybe if I sell off a couple kids...

Ya, it's 40k to put a somewhat useful degree next to my two useless degrees (marketing and speech communication) so that I can satisfy a goal of mine, but at least if I were to ever desire to work for the man it opens up a different level of job opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable--especially in a market with high unemployment and therefore high competition for quality jobs. Hopefully in two years I can teach adjunct at one of the local universities part time, and spend the rest of my time doing whatever it is that I want to do. If I can teach three days per week, 30 weeks per year, I think that would be a work schedule I could deal with.....for the most part.

That's pretty cool. My wife is starting her MBA at Westminister...I believe she is starting in the Fall.

I'm hoping to start in the fall as well. I've been telling their admissions that I'd be coming for the last 18 months, but stupid stuff keeps coming up that makes me put it off. I'm in "shit or get off the pot" mode now.

My goal in three years is to no longer own an alarm clock.

Also, for the record I just got back from having a few beers and will now resume compiling my expense reports :D
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Well-Known Member
Dayem, I'm jealous. Last time I looked at that the $$ skeered me away.

Maybe if I sell off a couple kids...

My wife's work pays 100% of it...they did the same for her Bachelors (which cost ~$60K).

I'm hoping to start in the fall as well. I've been telling their admissions that I'd be coming for the last 18 months, but stupid stuff keeps coming up that makes me put it off. I'm in "shit or get off the pot" mode now.

My goal in three years is to no longer own an alarm clock.

My wife just finished her Bachelors last summer, so she hasn't gotten to the point that it's now or never type of thing. She was going to start this Spring but decided to hold off because of our adoption (we should be going to Africa this Spring/early Summer). She was going back a forth between the U and Westminister, but I think she finally settled on Westminister.

No alarm clock is definitely a good goal...and one that I think anyone (in their right mind) could be envious of :D