Tooele County Trails Meeting


Formerly Beardy McGee
Tooele County Trails Meeting

When: Thursday November 16th, 2006 at 7:00 PM

Where: Auditorium at the Tooele County Courthouse on 47 South Main in Tooele.

What: Let our voice be heard! Support public land access in Tooele County!

If you live in Tooele County (or even if you don't), it is urgent that you attend the Tooele County Trails Meeting on Thursday the 16th at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Auditorium at the Tooele County Courthouse on 47 South Main in Tooele.

The Tooele County Trails Committee is seeking public input regarding use of public lands in Tooele County. They are primarily seeking input from residents of Tooele County, but opinions of people who recreate in the area will also be accepted. U4WDA will be there to present our position.

Several rockcrawling trails including Rattlesnake and Constrictor are in Tooele County. We would like to encourage the Trails Committee to open additional trails and roads in the area.

Public opinion is gauged at these meetings. This is our chance to make a strong impression on the Tooele County Trails Committee.

GRE will be there too, bringing up some "forgotten" trails....

Good to hear! There are trails out in that area that are as gnarly as ANYTHING else in the state. We need to make our voice loud enough to get these trails on the maps!

To anyon reading, PLEASE attend if you are able.