toy axled zuks + so. Utah + rain = carnage

cuban b

You're all WEAK SAUCE!
This time of year is prime for some wheeling in sunny southern Utah. Right??

This was the result of going over backwards, followed by a tense moment standing on the grill after my bumper ripped off, and a flop to the side for the big finish.

Responsible wheeling in action, I used my license plate to clean up every last drop of oil.

A little body work and we had her back on the road. A clean one owner.

My mishap didn't stop Braden from wheeling, the rain caused us to use a little more throttle than normal.

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A little southern utah scenery on the way out, between puffs of steam from my radiator


After getting the sami back in almost one piece we finished up with some RC crawling.

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