Trail Clean Up


New Member
I am heading up to forest lake this friday afternoon for trail and campsite cleanup.
call me if you are interested 801-376-2318
this will not be the only one there will be more to follow.

Thanks, Jared
Since you're going on Friday afternoon, your effort would be better spent hitting dispersed sites along the main road since many will still be empty before the weekend rush. Forest Lake is adopted by U4WDA and, so monthly clean-ups are already happening there and it is fairly clean. Take pictures of all the trash you collect. Collecting any trash is better than none, but I'm a believer in making every volunteer hour count. You can sanitize ten dispersed sites on the main road in the time it takes you to drive to Forest Lake and load one bag of trash.
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I am heading up to forest lake this friday afternoon for trail and campsite cleanup.
call me if you are interested 801-376-2318
this will not be the only one there will be more to follow.

Thanks, Jared

we will also have one the start of next month post will be up about that soon
ok im heading out right now...thanks for your advice scout i will hit those camp sites will try to take pics so i can post em later...thanks all!
So, I am sorry

I am sure this will not win me any friends, but too bad


I mean really, a guy gets on here and says he would like to do some good on a trail that he spends time on, and you all have to shoot him down like he is some kind of idot!

Get a freaking clue people. Could you have been a little more condescending to the poor guy? And we wonder why we can never get people to volunteer for these clean-ups, but we tell people HEY That is Our turf, only we can clean that up!

Xjelmo99, if I had seen this earlier I would have gone up with you, and thanks for your willingness to pitch in and help keep our forests clean.

I mean really, a guy gets on here and says he would like to do some good on a trail that he spends time on, and you all have to shoot him down like he is some kind of idot!.

Pretty sure your missing about 95% of the situation and back story ;)

Good luck on the cleanup btw, way to step up!
From teh ChitChat thread. I think he did pretty well for a "kid", and PERSONALLY, I hope he and his crew all join U4WDA, and never let something like this happen, and only sh*t rainbows from now on. :D

'm guessing scout is steve...

Steve I did no wheeling at all i drove 5 mph watching for trash up the canyon road....stopped at every peice of paper and wrapper.... and stopped at every campsite occupied or not.

i then went up the dirt road on the way to forest lake and stopped at all those campsites occupied or not, and picked up trash, I even got bags and cans out of the river...I got soaked.

This was most definetly NOT a wheelin trip..

what is the way we act? Ive been around this long enough to know what is right and wrong and the right thing IMO was to go up there and clean up and help out.

i just got back from the cleanup, it was disgusting, i picked up diapers, human waste, (shi*) and USEEDDDD Condoms and alot more

I wanna make this clear i did not sh1t in steves backyard, I was not wheelin with them when all this went on, steve i totally respect you after hearin the good things and all you have done for af canyon, but I ask you to please not bash on me for not having a 10 + cleanup...I took work off today to do this.

I have only known about this incident since wednesday i think it was, but i tried my best to do what i could do...i filled 6 bags and i will be going up again after the weekend to pick up everyones trash from camping over the weekend

I have pictures and will be postin later....just basically pictures of all the trash right before i dumped it...

Thanks, Jared