Trap shooting in SLC/Bountiful area?


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So I've never shot trap. Haven't ever used a shotgun much at all. Tried one for coyotes last year though and it was a blast. Even though I completely suck at using a shotgun, it was a lot fun trying to get coyotes in real close and hose them down. Even had one run right into me at full speed, that was some good excitement and fun!

Got a new shotgun for this coming season, Benelli M2. Bought a Trius clay thrower than I can take out and use by myself, have used it a couple times, works pretty good I guess, definitely confirmed I suck with a shotgun anyway.

But I would like to put at least five hundred rounds though then new gun over the next couple months and hopefully suck a little bit less by coyote season. So finding somewhere I can go in or close to town, like after work or something would be helpful. Beside, I'm guessing a real trap throws the birds faster and would be better practice.

No idea where to go or how it works though. I know there is a little trap range at the Lions club just up the hill. But I think you need at least two guys so one of them can pull the trap? Is there anywhere I can go and shoot by myself? I see online there is an indoor range at TNT in Murray. Looks like I might be able to go and shoot without a partner? Expensive though, $60 an hour. Have any of you ever shot there? If I could find someone else to go with, is it $60 an hour per person, or just for the booth?

New shotgun I want to suck less with:


If anyone wants to try and get together either for a real trap range or just taking my foot operated trap out I'd be up for that too - it's definitely cheaper. Friday mornings are usually my best time, but a lot of weekend mornings work too.



I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I believe Lee Kay has a trap range.. my current shotgun is a short barrel, and I can't hit a bird if it's more than 20' away!


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Lee Kay has one for sure. No idea if I can shoot solo there or not, but I would purely guess not.

Everything I have read, within reason, barrel length has very little effect on velocity and no effect at all on pattern. Just handling.



I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Everything I have read, within reason, barrel length has very little effect on velocity and no effect at all on pattern. Just handling.


If this is true, then my gun has some issue. I can peg nearly 100% of the clays with my granddads old gun. Switch to my gun, 0%. I just assumed it was barrel length.


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I am the furthest thing from being a shotgun guy, so don't put too much into anything I say. I have been trying to soak in as much information as I can for the last few months though. My guess would be mostly choke. Not enough restriction. Does it have screw in chokes or fixed? And if fixed what is the choke?

Just using my little thrower by myself I can't really even get on them until they are 30 yards out and most shots happening like 40 yards. Started with a mod choke and figured out by the fact that the few I was breaking were just in big chunks that I needed more choke. Switched to an I'M and immediately started breaking more but still all in big chunks. So this morning I tried a full choke. Broke only one or two more per round but was getting some nice satisfying feedback getting some birds smoked and shattering them into lots of small pieces instead of all just breaking into a few big pieces.



I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I don't have any choke on the gun I have. It's a cheap home defense gun. Maybe that is the problem altogether


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
I don't have any choke on the gun I have. It's a cheap home defense gun. Maybe that is the problem altogether

That's would 'splain it alright :). It's not a problem though. It's a feature. For home defense throwing a wide pattern at short range is a GOOD thing. Take out two bad guys at once.



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We like to shoot at Lions but are pretty casual about it.

Can't be more casual than me by myself out in the desert grabbing clay pigeons off the tailgate and taking puffs on a cigar between shots :D.

Be cool to get you guys, Stratton, who ever else wants to join up there some evening. I'd really like to go with someone who has done it before. Too hot to go except early morning or later in the evening though. I'm actually thinking I might run out to Lone Rock and use my trap again tomorrow morning if anyone is interested.


I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I think I might be able to pull that off. I will make you feel better about your shotgun skills, too. :) I'll text you...


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Dave, I have access to a real commercial thrower on a pretty private range. It's a friends and family deal in your wife's hometown. It's complete with hand remote and variable settings. Holds like two boxes of clays at a time. We could go pretty much any evening you want, I just have to get July out of the way. Pretty much gone all month. Let's talk in August