Tread Lightly in 2013


On Land and Water
Tread Lightly! has a great 2013 lined up! I'd first like to introduce myself, my
name is Curt Hall (skylinerider on the forums). I recently accepted the position
of Education and Stewardship Specialist at TL! I look forward to promoting
responsible recreation for the organization, I'm excited at what 2013 has to
offer. Here are some highlights we have going on just in this first quarter of
We have numerous shows and expos we will be attending:

show in Las Vegas 1/14-1/18
Outdoor Retalier show Salt Lake City
Easter Jeep Safari 3/23-2/30

Boy Scouts of America Master Trainer courses.
BLM Master Trainer courses.
Numerous other courses coming online all the time. As always if you want a course just contact us through the
website an we will make every effort to schedule a course that can work for both
of us.

We've got some exciting things going on as well with our RIDE-ON campaign. Make sure to look for these in the coming

As always remember that becoming a member of TL! comes with great
benefits other than the warm fuzzy's you get from helping promote responsible
recreation: Membership Details
We even have membership options for your
4x4 clubs.

We hope to have a larger presence on the forums in the coming
year and hope to be able to further the cause of responsible recreation
throughout the year.



Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks Curt. I know there's a group of about 10 of us who are interested in a tread trainer course. I need to get that ball rolling again.


On Land and Water
What is this one about Curt? Master Trainer for the BLM or a new offering? I'd still like to get my Master Trainer course. What # of people do you need to make it happen?

Master trainer for the BLM. I would love to get a Master trainer course lined up for the folks here. We like to have 12 in a master trainer course. It divides up the topics nicely that way.