Tree removal questions


Smooth Gang Founding Member
So the wife and I are looking at potentially buying an acre lot to build our "forever" home on at some point. The problem is it probably has 30 pine trees on it that are likely 25' tall. Does anyone have any info on tree removal cost or know if a nursery would be interested in removing the trees for free if I let them have them?

There always seems to be an RME'r with an answer to every question so I figured I'd ask.

Tree removal isn't cheap. When I used to do it the prices were figured by height and width. An average 20' pine tree was around $1100.00 dollars. And unless the nursery has access to a good spade machine they won't bother with trees that size.

Where is it located?


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I figured it wouldn't be cheap but my father-in-law seems to think so. They will definitely want a machine. Bluffdale.

Since they're pines and they supposedly have a very shallow root system I guess it might not suck too bad to cut them down and throw them on my trailer or something but still... Lots of work


Smooth Gang Founding Member
^that's pretty awesome and I do have a cousin with all kinds of heavy equipment but even with the family discount it would still cost a fortune


Formerly black_ZJ
We bought our house because it has a lot of trees around it, if you want the shade the trees offer then see if you can minimize how many you need to cut down and build in the middle of them. I grew up helping my dad with his tree business and it was pretty typical to see him make $3-4k a week sometimes on bigger jobs because it's hard work that is worth the price tree guys usually ask, plus the equipment is not cheap either. If you can time it right to cut them down and limb them out, put it in piles, then haul it off when your local landfill has their free cleanup week it could save you a bit. You can also see if someone will cut them down in exchange for the wood, there are folks who do that sometimes.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Here is a sat view of the property (without betraying it's exact location lol) that shows how many trees there are. The owner lives a couple houses away and was planning on growing and selling the trees.


Formerly black_ZJ
I would try to leave as many trees up as possible for shade and blocking the wind. BTW, the address is on the picture but you likely have little to worry about.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Pine are my least favorite tree but I would definitely want to keep most of them on the north side of the property. I was kidding about the address. The property isn't currently listed, my wife's family know the owner so I'm not worried. Plus if someone wanted to swoop in and buy it before me, at least I won't have to deal with it ;)


Formerly WJ ZUK
When I lived in washington state I used to climb the trees on our property and hook a winch line to the top. Then I would keep tension on them, while my dad did the normal chainsaw notch and cut, I would pull it the way we wanted


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
Frank always used the original trees to sculpt the house around. No need to remove them!



Smooth Gang Founding Member
That's awesome but if I sat down on my couch and there were pine needles on it I would kick a kitten


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Then you just sliced and diced them to an appropriate size for taking to the dump?

Pulling trees out with my jeep doesn't sound like the worst way to spend a couple days but I still worry that the dump would charge me an arm and a leg


Formerly black_ZJ
Then you just sliced and diced them to an appropriate size for taking to the dump?

Pulling trees out with my jeep doesn't sound like the worst way to spend a couple days but I still worry that the dump would charge me an arm and a leg

I pulled up the unwanted bushes and trees in our yard with the Jeep, pretty fun way to spend a Saturday.


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
When I pulled my pines, I went about half way up and took off all the branches first (that's as high as my ladder got me). Hooked the strap as high as I could, then just started pulling. I pulled them as far over as I could, and just waited. The root ball slowly started to come out of the ground. If you water heavily a week or two prior, it would probably help a ton. Each tree carefully cut up was one pick-up load, so now real expensive to dispose of. I did cut and split most of the trunk though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Here is a sat view of the property (without betraying it's exact location lol)
View attachment 89109

Come and listen to my story
'Bout XJ_Nate
A poor mountaineer,
Barely kept his family fed.
And then one day
He was shootin' at some food,
And up through the ground came a-bubblin' crude.
Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.
Well the first thing you know
Ol' xj is a millionaire,
Kinfolk said "xj move away from there".
Said "south of the valley is the place you outta be".
So they loaded up the truck
And they moved to Riverton.
Trees that is, Swimming pools, movie stars.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Hahaha and I give a "California wave" to that

It does appear that the neighbor has a "cement pond"