Trib article doesn't look good

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Kane County and Mark Habbeshaw know what they're doing and are ready to defend what they do in court. They want these issues in court and have been very successful.

Looks to me like this decision doesn't change anything and the enviros are claiming a victory that doesn't exist. All the court did was to not throw out the enviros lawsuit.

Stay tuned.


I Have Had It With All These Tree Hugging Commys
Taking Away Our Rights When We Have Not Done 1 Thing
To Them Thats It This Is War !!!!!!!!

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
MidvaleXJ said:
I Have Had It With All These Tree Hugging Commys
Taking Away Our Rights When We Have Not Done 1 Thing
To Them Thats It This Is War !!!!!!!!
Awesome... We've been at war with em for years down here in Kane County and we're always looking for new recruits


Nothing Boils My Blood More Then Commynust Dictators
Taking Away Our Land For No Other Reason Than To
Be A Stupid Tree Hugger !!!!!!!!!