Tribune/KSL/Des news articles to comment on--sticky?


Wandering the desert
Dan posted this originally in the comment section of Troys letter and someone suggested he send it in. I'm glad he did. He wouldn't be a "greenie" if he didn't have something negative to say about Troys letter though.
What was negative? After working with Dan for a while, I've found that he is more committed to protecting motorized rec on public lands than most of the actual users in the OHV community.


Another Kudo's for Dan. He is a genuine guy who has a real grasp of what is happening in our canyons and on our trails. He is right about U4 and WOW working together on restoration projects - I was there with them in Providence Canyon to see for myself. He brought together the community, the greenies, the Forest Service, the Mayor, the Motorized community and even the Sierra club for a very productive restoraton project. He understands that there are bad apples in every crowd, and blaming one recreation group for all of the problems (like SUWA does) does nothing to solve the real problems.